16th october 2024 at 16:00 | Prague 4 - Libuš campus

Secondary School Open Day

Visit our great campus, meet our outstanding teachers and see the array of enriching learning programmes on offer.
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Our Secondary School Open Day is designed to give families a high-level overview of what makes PBIS unique. Discover our advanced learning environments and find out how we aim to deliver academic excellence while also ensuring our students truly flourish socially and personally. At the end, there will be time for a Q&A with our wonderful Secondary academic team.
  • Get to know our Admissions Team, Heads of School and Academic Team
  • Explore our campus and facilities that support students throughout their learning journey
  • Learn all about our learning programmes & IB Diploma Programme
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Open Day | Prague British International School - Secondary What to expect
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Prague British International School (PBIS)

PBIS is part of the Nord Anglia family of premium international schools, delivering outstanding teaching and learning experiences that set our students up for success


News image Engineering the Future: Ilyes’ Ambitious Hydrogen Jet Engine Project - PBIS Alumni Network - Ilyes News | Secondary | Homepage Feature
Engineering the Future: Ilyes’ Ambitious Hydrogen Jet Engine Project

Come on, it’s not rocket science. For some people it is! A 2022 graduate from PBIS, Ilyes is currently working on his bachelor's degree with a focus on mechanical engineering, physics, and computer science at Sorbonne University in Paris. Apart from his academic work, he’s also working on a modest side project: developing a jet engine. His approach, in his own words, is to “learn as much as possible about everything” so he can apply his knowledge to real-world situations and make the world a smarter, better place.


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News image PBIS Alumni News | Homepage Feature | Secondary
Dominik's STEAM Journey: From Motivating PBIS Students to Engineering Computer Networks
As the saying goes, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. Now at the Faculty of Informatics at CVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague), Dominik’s journey to studying computer science began out of obstinance–he didn’t want to pay anyone else to run his servers, so he figured out how to do it. He hasn’t forgotten his roots, though. Now he pays it forward by mentoring PBIS (Prague British International School) students through a collaboration with his university in hopes of inspiring the next generation of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) academics. 
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News image PBIS_2022  (10) News | Primary
96% rodičů potvrzuje: Česko Britská Základní Škola je místem, kde jsou děti šťastné.

Hledáte pro své dítě školu, která mu otevře dveře do světa neomezených možností? Česko Britská Základní Škola (ČBZŠ) v Praze je tím pravým místem, kde se potkává to nejlepší z českého i britského vzdělávacího systému. Díky pečlivě vybranému kurikulu kombinujeme Národní kurikulum v Anglii s českými vzdělávacími osnovami. Naším cílem není jen zvýšit akademické dovednosti našich studentů, ale také podpořit jejich osobnostní růst. Víme, že inovativní přístup ke vzdělávání, a to jak ve třídách, tak i mimo ně, probouzí v dětech přirozenou zvídavost a lásku k učení, a jsme přesvědčeni, že to jim zajistí úspěch na jejich životní cestě.

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