School Uniform

Our school uniform includes a range of clothing, including footwear and headwear.
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At BISS Puxi we are proud of our uniform and we ask that all our parents support our policy by ensuring their child arrives to school each morning looking smart and proud in their uniform. We believe strongly that our school uniform fosters a sense of identity, belonging and pride.

Our school uniform includes a range of clothing, including sportswear and accessories. It identifies students as belonging to our school. We expect students to wear the uniform during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when engaged in school activities.

All clothes worn to school (uniform and non-uniform items) should be clearly labelled on the inside of the item with the student’s name.

On occasions, students in the school are allowed to wear clothes other than the school uniform. These may include ‘non-uniform’ days to raise money and awareness for charities, or as a form reward, or when on school trips.

Our Uniform Shop is located on the Primary School campus. It is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. There is no need to make a reservation. However, please contact us if you would like to visit the Uniform Shop during school holidays.