Find out what a typical day at BISB looks like.
School day

Primary school day

Nursery and reception (WILLOWS)

The school day starts at 8:15 am but you can drop your child off from 8:05 am. You can also do an early drop-off at Dolinskeho from 7:50 am, but this needs to be arranged in advance with your child's class teacher.

In our nursery classes, children have access to healthy snacks until 10:45 am. Lunch is served at 12 pm, after which they can take a nap. The normal school day finishes at 2:45 pm. Your child can stay at our after-school Rockets club between 2:45-4:45 pm Monday to Thursday, and 2:45-3:45 pm on Friday.

Please let us know in advance if your child is joining Rockets - including what time they'll be picked up - to ensure we have the right number of staff available.

Years 1-2 (MAPLES) and Years 3-6 (OAKS)

Our Oaks 1 playground gates open at 7:50 am. Our children wait in the playground for their teacher to pick them up at 8:05 am, and lessons start at 8:15 am. Year 1 and 2 children who arrive by bus are taken to Maples by a member of staff. Year 3 and above go to Oaks 1 playground and wait for their teacher. Children shouldn't enter via the front office unless they're late to school (the door from the front office to the corridor is locked until 8:20 am). In the event of extreme weather, our students wait in the dining hall until it's time to go to class. For safety reasons, we ask that children do not play on the climbing equipment before school.

Morning snack and playtime (10:15-10:45 am)
All our students have a morning break where they eat a snack and play outside.  

Lunch and playtime (12:00-1:15 pm)
Our students have an hour for lunch and playtime. A hot meal is provided or your child can bring in a packed lunch.

End of the day
Our Year 1 and 2 children are collected from Maples at 2:45 pm, unless they're staying for after-school activities or Rockets, which finish at 3:45 pm. Parents of Year 3-6 children will collect them from the Oaks 1 playground.

All our primary children follow a two-week timetable (week A and week B). Like our secondary students, they're issued with their timetable on the first day of school.

Secondary school day

Your child will follow a two-week timetable so it's important they know which week is operating when, and that they have the right books and materials for each day. Alternate weeks are labeled A and B, and are clearly displayed in school.

Registration begins at 8:05 am, followed by the first lesson at 8:20 am. The academic day runs from 8:05 am until 3:45 pm Monday to Wednesday, and 8:05 am to 2:45 pm on Thursday and Friday. Periods are 55 minutes long, with some double lessons. Students have a 30-minute morning break at 10:15 am. Lunch starts at 12:45 pm and runs for an hour.

Extra-curricular activities

We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular activities at lunchtime and after school (from 3:45-4:45 pm Monday to Wednesday, and 2:45-3:45 pm on Thursday and Friday). The clubs vary from term to term, and details are given during the first week. We also run several clubs outside of these times, including at weekends.