Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 August, 2019

Competitive Sports Opportunities

Competitive Sports Opportunities - competitive-sports-opportunities
Competitive Sports Opportunities The BISS Lions Sports programme offers a multitude of exciting opportunities to take part in sports events within Shanghai and further afield in China and Asia. There is usually a charge for these events, which covers transportation, accommodation, food and entry fees. Sports05a

The BISS Lions Sports programme offers a multitude of exciting opportunities to take part in sports events within Shanghai and further afield in China and Asia. There is usually a charge for these events, which covers transportation, accommodation, food and entry fees. 

As there are so many competitions, we recognise it can become expensive if families are paying for a large number of trips throughout the year. Therefore, we have put together the following information to show what events are planned for 2019/20 and this will hopefully help you and your son/daughter plan which trials they will sign up for. Please note that we have not included the swimming events in this process; these meets are listed in the swimming handbook.

Signing up for trials

Students will be invited to trials for the events through the SchoolsBuddy platform and you should receive an email asking you to visit the activities sign up page to choose a trial date and confirm your son/daughter’s attendance at the trial. Please ensure that you sign up your children for trials as this helps the coaches plan the session.


Trials  will be held on days  when PE and sport staff are available, and will usually take place after school. However, please note that some trials may be held on Saturday mornings.


Should you have any questions or issues, please contact our Head of Sport, Thomas Hitchings.