Collège Champittet
01 March, 2024

Champittet students achieve outstanding Swiss Maturité exam results

Champittet students achieve outstanding Swiss Maturité exam results - Champittet students achieve outstanding Swiss Maturite exam results

We are proud to share that our students passed their Swiss Maturité exams last month with flying colours! For the third year running, all of our Swiss Maturité students have successfully obtained their diploma. Even more impressively, our students have achieved the highest average mark in our school’s history, with 107.5 points.

The Swiss Maturité diploma requires students to follow a rigorous curriculum and to demonstrate their mastery at a high academic level. At Champittet, this programme is bilingual, in French and English. Over four years, our students study 12 compulsory subjects, and writing a final thesis.

Passing the Swiss Maturité exam opens the doors to admission at all Swiss universities and higher education programmes, including top-tier institutions like ETH or EPFL, with no further interviews or exams needed. Given its demanding academic nature, the Swiss Maturité diploma is widely respected worldwide as well as in Switzerland.

The outstanding academic performance of our Champittet students is proof of their dedication and hard work. Congratulations to all our Swiss Maturité students on their remarkable achievement! Many thanks as well to our committed teachers and parents for their invaluable support along the way.

 Champittet students achieve outstanding Swiss Maturité exam results - Champittet students achieve outstanding Swiss Maturite exam results