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News image British International School Awards 2017 - british-international-school-awards-2017 Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
British International School Awards 2017
We are very pleased to be able to inform everyone that BIS Abu Dhabi has been nominated and shortlisted for the British International School Awards 2017.
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News image Attitude - attitude Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
There are many factors that go into a successful education. We often consider the things which are most visible: the teacher, the resources, the homework for example. In this week’s article I want to raise another aspect which is Attitude.
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News image Breast Cancer Awareness Month - breast-cancer-awareness-month Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month at BIS and the PTA and student community have organised important initiatives to raise awareness and funds.
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News image FS2 Phonics Workshop - fs2-phonics-workshop Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
FS2 Phonics Workshop
We would like to invite FS2 parents to our workshop on Monday 5th October at 8am. The aim of the workshop will be to give parents a better understanding of how we teach Phonics and how you may help support your child at home.
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News image Exciting Times - exciting-times Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Exciting Times
Mr Patrick Horne writes his first blog post of the academic year, as well as recognising some successes from the year just finished.
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News image Is your child interested in learning an instrument? - is-your-child-interested-in-learning-an-instrument Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Is your child interested in learning an instrument?
Enrollment for instrumental music lessons at BIS Abu Dhabi is now open. Instrumental lessons will take the same format as last year, where pupils will leave their classrooms for 30 minutes to be taught by a specialist music teacher from the Juli Music Institute.
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News image Uniform Guidance - uniform-guidance Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Uniform Guidance
Every new school year is an exciting time for teachers and students and in preparation it is important that we remind ourselves of the high standards of appearance we expect from our students.
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News image Year 6 BISCARs - year-6-biscars Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
Year 6 BISCARs
The Year 6 BISCARS 2015 took place on the 14th of June. The BISCARS is a graduation ceremony presented for Year 6 in preparation of moving up into Secondary School. During the ceremony students were presented with awards such as PSHE awards, The Arts award, The Music awards, PE awards and more.
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News image The Costume Shop - the-costume-shop Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
The Costume Shop
The Second Hand Uniform sales committee is pleased to introduce a new portfolio, The Costume Shop, which will sell second hand costumes.
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News image Year 1 Kings & Queens Day - year-1-kings-and-queens-day Blog | Featured | Posts From Our People
Year 1 Kings & Queens Day
Today Year 1 enjoyed a day filled with royal activities and a banquet like no other, as a starting point for a new topic 'Kings and Queens.'
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News image News Default Image Blog | Posts From Our People | School News
Safeguarding Our Children
Following on from my weblog posting on 27th October, we are constantly reviewing our health and safety procedures in line with good practice. Additionally we take the safeguarding of our children at all times as our highest priority. Earlier in the week we carried out a routine fire drill with our students to make them well aware of the need to evacuate the building when the alarm goes off.
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News image Mrs Wallace visits Tanzania - mrs-wallace-visits-tanzania Blog | Featured | Posts From Our People
Mrs Wallace visits Tanzania
Following in the footsteps of our 7 global ambassadors who took part in Nord Anglia Education’s expedition alongside students from 18 of our school worldwide last year, Mrs Wallace headed to Nord Anglia's Shamba Kipara expedition camp for the annual senior leadership conference.
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News image U15 BSME Games 2014 – hosted by us! - u15-bsme-games-2014-hosted-by-us Blog | Featured | Posts From Our People
U15 BSME Games 2014 – hosted by us!
We are very pleased to announce that The British International School Abu Dhabi will be hosting the prestigious U15 BSME Games 2014 (British Schools in the Middle East).
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News image IB student publishes a book! - ib-student-publishes-a-book Blog | Featured | Posts From Our People
IB student publishes a book!
So what did you do over the summer? Go on holiday? Work on your tan? Catch up with old friends? All legitimate leisure time pursuits, but one BISAD student makes all that seem woefully inadequate. Her answer to the above question: “I published a book.” Amidst the hustle and bustle of the first day back, IB student Sehar Raza (aged 16) was quietly clutching an interesting looking novel which she had impressively written over the last eighteen months and published over the summer holidays!
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News image Ancillary Staff Assemblies - ancillary-staff-assemblies Blog | Posts From Our People
Ancillary Staff Assemblies
Assemblies took place during the last week of school, with children having the opportunity to thank our ancillary staff for their hard work throughout the year and present them with gifts of a 100 AED gift voucher and 80 AED in cash.
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News image Year 1 Spelling Bee - year-1-spelling-bee Blog | Posts From Our People
Year 1 Spelling Bee
The annual Year 1 spelling bee took place today. 4 children from each of the Year 1 classes took part, each representing their house. All participants from Ash, Willow, Oak and Elm worked hard to spell words which they have learnt throughout their time in Year 1.
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News image My First Gym’ in Foundation Stage - my-first-gym-in-foundation-stage Blog | Posts From Our People
My First Gym’ in Foundation Stage
Last week has seen the last of the Foundation Stage trip to ‘My First Gym’. It has been a great learning experience not only with the children’s physical development but also for their understanding of what it means to keep healthy and that a balanced diet, exercise, personal hygiene and sleep contributes to this.
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News image Year 6 to 7 Transition Days - year-6-to-7-transition-days Blog | Posts From Our People | School News
Year 6 to 7 Transition Days
On the first day the children were able to taste what secondary life would be like and conducted themselves in a mature way with nothing but praise from all the teachers they met. The English department arranged a very interesting and tasty lesson and during their Science lessons children were able to create and hold fireballs!
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News image Year 10 Work Experience Week - year-10-work-experience-week Blog | Posts From Our People | School News
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Almost 60 students in Year 10 began their work experience program. For an entire week, students have an opportunity to experience life in the world of work, develop the skills that they have been learning in school and begin their first steps towards a future career. A large number of companies and institutions in the area have worked hard to arrange programs and activities for students so that they get a true feel for what it’s like to work there.
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News image Introducing the Eco Warriors! - introducing-the-eco-warriors Blog | Posts From Our People
Introducing the Eco Warriors!
We are the Eco Warriors and we are trying to make not just the school but you more eco friendly. Eight people make up this group. We are James, Doug, Imaam, Zayed, Abdulrahman, Ruby, Yvette and Elias.
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