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Staggered Start Times for Early Years Foundation Stage
The team aim to ensure your child settles as quickly and happily as possible into their new class setting.To further ease your child’s transition into school, the first two weeks of the new school year will be staggered for our youngest FS starters and the first week staggered for our FS2 starters.
Not only will this support your child to gently and confidently adjust to their new environment but it also provides a valuable opportunity to chat with the class teacher and receive feedback about these important first few days at school.
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Blog | School News
National Day Preparations
You may have noticed that the school has undergone a transformation this week as we prepare for our National day celebrations. Many of the children have been busy at home preparing a tribute to the UAE. Please take the time to view the displays which will be placed in the different entrances of the school.
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Blog | Posts From Our People | School News
Safeguarding Our Children
Following on from my weblog posting on 27th October, we are constantly reviewing our health and safety procedures in line with good practice. Additionally we take the safeguarding of our children at all times as our highest priority. Earlier in the week we carried out a routine fire drill with our students to make them well aware of the need to evacuate the building when the alarm goes off.
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Blog | School News
Author Visits: Ian Billings and Chris Bradford
We are very excited and privileged to be welcoming two authors to the school next week. On Monday 20th October 2014, children’s author Ian Billings will be visiting the school. Ian Billings is an accomplished writer for children’s television (including Chucklevision). The following day on Tuesday 21st October 2014, Chris Bradford (author of Young Samurai and BODYGUARD) will also visit the school and run a series of presentations for Secondary students.
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Blog | School News
House Captain Elections
House Captain elections took place this morning, with students in Year 6 making some very impressive 2 minute speeches as to why they should be selected. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 had the difficult task of casting a vote out of approximately 30 candidates.
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Blog | Featured | School News
Changes to the Academic Calendar
On Thursday 28th August, we received notification that the Ministry of Education instructed ADEC (Abu Dhabi education council) to change the dates to ensure 3 weeks break at the end of Term 1. As such, Term 2 will now begin on Sunday 11th January and in order to ensure 190 instructional days, the February half term has been removed.
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