A typical day at the British International School Budapest involves a variety of learning activities, all designed to nurture the skills, talents, and ambitions of our students.

A Typical School Day At BISB In Hungary

BISB Timetable - Early Years

Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) students have allocated, free flowing independent learning times, combined with a variety of specialist classes on specific days of the week. These include PE, music, time in the library, and Hungarian culture.


BISB Timetable - Primary and Secondary



Year 1-6

Year 7-13





Lesson 1


Lesson 1




Lesson 2


Lesson 2




Lesson 3


Lesson 3




Lesson 4


Lesson 4






Lesson 5


Lesson 5


Lesson 6




We expect students to attend school for the full school year. We plan our curriculum and teaching with that in mind.

Students who arrive late will need to register at reception and give their name and class to the receptionist before continuing to lessons.

If a student is absent for any reason, we ask that you inform your child’s class teacher or form tutor.


Break Times

Children are supervised during all break times and are expected to play outside, weather permitting.

Early years children play in their own designated garden area.

Early years 1 through to Year 2 children are provided with a healthy snack at both break times.

Years 3–6 children are expected to bring their own healthy snack for break times.

Secondary students, with the exception of our sixth formers, are supervised during break times. They may go outside, use the dining room, or coffee shop.



Lunch is an integral part of our students' day. About 80% of our children subscribe to the meals we offer. We take great pride in providing contemporary, healthy, age-appropriate meals. Our in-house nutrition expert, who is also a well-known dietician, carefully plans the menus to provide a wide variety of fresh vegetables and a varied selection of wholegrains.

A typical lunch consists of a daily soup, main course, salad bar, and fruit. We serve a healthy dessert twice a week. A vegetarian alternative is available every day. We cater for children with allergies, diabetes, or other special needs. Our kitchen is equipped with an area physically segregated from the main kitchen and dedicated exclusively to the preparation of menus in accordance with strict regulations. These meals leave the kitchen in sealed boxes with name tags. Parents are advised of the menu each week via our newsletter. 

Eating habits, mealtime socialising, basic hygiene knowledge, and a healthy lifestyle are all part of our education. Our newly built canteen, with its clean, spacious, and welcoming atmosphere, is the perfect environment for lunch, where mealtimes are more than just eating.

Should you wish to send a lunchbox with your child, there is a fridge and a microwave in the dining room. Students can buy healthy snacks from the school coffee shop outside of lunch hours. To sign up for our meals, you'll need to fill in the Application or Re-enrolment Form or speak to our Finance Office. Just like our tuition fees, you can choose to pay your child’s lunch fees termly or yearly.


End Of The Day

Early years children should be collected at 3:15 pm at the entrance to our Early Years Centre. Teaching assistants will take children who are catching the bus to their driver.


Key Stage 1 children finish at 3:30 pm. Children can be collected from their classroom in the rear playground. Children travelling by bus are taken to their driver by a member of staff.


Key Stage 2 children finish at 3:30 pm.

Year 3 and Year 4 children are walked to the rear playground by staff where they'll be met by their parents. Children travelling by bus are taken to their driver.

Year 5 and 6 children walk independently to the rear playground where they meet their parents, or they walk to the dining room to meet their bus driver.


Any primary student not collected by 3:30 pm will be transferred to the dining room and kept under supervision until collection.

Secondary students finish at 3:35 pm. They are permitted to leave school or go to their bus independently.


Co-curricular Activities

Key Stage 1 children are taken to their activities by a member of staff. After the activity has finished, activity leaders are responsible for delivering children to the dining room for bus or parental collection.


Key Stage 2 children attend activities independently. After the activity has finished, activity leaders are responsible for delivering children to the dining room for bus or parental collection.


Secondary students attend and leave activities independently.