The British International School Abu Dhabi is very pleased to announce that we will be working alongside a new catering company next year, ADNH Compass.
We are very proud of our students for winning the Varsity History Bowl and Middle School History Bowl at the International History Bee and Bowl over the weekend. A special mention to Balint Janescko, who was crowned the individual History Champion of the UAE!
We appreciate the importance of early planning for families so are sharing an early draft of the 2018-19 calendar. Please note that, while these dates are unlikely to change, this has not been officially approved by ADEK who have advised they will be approving school calendars in May.
BIS Abu Dhabi would like to proudly congratulate Year 7 student Jasmine Pitman for winning her age group in the HSBC Future Falcons Golf Skills Challenge.
As part of The Juilliard Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Program, BIS Abu Dhabi are thrilled to be welcoming Ms. Salla Saarikangas, Juilliard Dance Specialist, to the school on 17th and 18th October.
The Holy Month of Ramadan is expected to commence on Saturday 27th May 2017, subject to moon sighting. We would like to announce our school timings during Ramadan 2017 will be 8.15am – 1.45pm, with FS collected at 1:30pm.
This year BIS will be celebrating Book Week between 20th – 27th April 2017, along the theme of Quest Stories. We have some great events planned for the whole family to join in and celebrate their love of books.
BIS Abu Dhabi are thrilled to be welcoming two Juilliard Alumni artists, Abby Gerdts (an actress) and Dr. Benal Tanrısever Simsek (a pianist), to the school on Monday 6th March.