Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 October, 2020

Message from the Vice Principal - Mike Wolfe

Message from the Vice Principal - Mike Wolfe - message-from-the-vice-principal--mike-wolfe
Message from the Vice Principal - Mike Wolfe
Message from the Vice Principal - Mike Wolfe Hopefully we can look back on this period and take positives from it rather than focusing on the restrictions that have been necessary to ensure all of us remain safe.

Many things have changed in our lives during the last eight months. The way we learn, the way we work, how we shop, how we interact, how we socialise to name but a few. We have also learnt throughout this period that we can adapt and overcome challenges we are presented with, showing resilience, determination and creativity to think differently.  Some of us may have taken the opportunity to challenge ourselves to do something we have never previously had time to do. Maybe we have read more books, improved our skills in a new language, played that musical instrument that has been forgotten in some part of our home or set ourselves some sort of exercise challenge. 

Whatever it is, hopefully we can look back on this period and take positives from it rather than focusing on the restrictions that have been necessary to ensure all of us remain safe. With this in mind, I would like to bring to your attention an event that you may wish to challenge yourself on. Between the 17-26th October there will be another NAE Global Sports Competition that we would like as many people to participate in as possible. 

Quite simply, it will be a 5km virtual race that can be completed through walking, jogging, running or a combination of all. For some, completing this will be a major achievement and maybe something that you have never done before, for others it may be about setting a personal best time. The level of challenge is specific to the individual so why not give it a go. 

For every student who registers and participates, we also get a point allocated to our school that ranks us against all of the other Nord Anglia Schools across the World.  With the weather finally cooling down, this challenge may also provide the motivation for spending time outside and enjoying the sun and fresh air. The PE department have issued a sign-up form for the above event and we hope as many students and family members as possible take up this challenge, let’s make it a real family event. 

Enjoy the half term, enjoy the 5K virtual event and keep challenging yourselves.

Mike Wolfe

Vice Principal