Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 December, 2020

Meet our graduate student: Tiger Guo

Meet our graduate student: Tiger Guo - meet-our-graduate-student-tiger-guo
Meet our graduate student: Tiger Guo Tiger Guo | Entrepreneur & Technical University of Munich Student [[\enNewsmedia\SocialMediaOrganic_AlumniStories_Tiger.mp4]]

Tiger Guo – entrepreneur, student at the Technical University of Munich and one of our brilliant alumni.

Tiger Guo

Student at the Technical University of Munich

Since graduating top of his class in 2018, Tiger has completed internships with prestigious organisations including Deutsche Bank and Accenture and is now studying for a degree in Management and Computer Science at one of the world’s best universities.

Tiger credits his time studying the IB for opening the doors to success. It was also during this time that he founded the growth counselling organisation, EIIP Education, that he still runs with his LIS Chengdu classmate. We are so proud of Tiger and can’t wait to see what the future holds for him.

Discover his journey, from academic achievement to business success.