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Positive Discipline in action
Thanks to the two days spent with Joy Marchese, Positive Discipline was seen in action in the classrooms after students resumed school.
Teachers and students have started working on their class agreement. A class agreement is a set of positive behaviour choices that the group as a whole selects through discussions and encourages one another to follow. The agreement is then displayed as a kind and regular reminder to all.
At tutor time, Form Tutors and tutees engaged in two activities. ‘Cross the ribbon’ is an activity that promotes communication, cooperation and trust. It helps students understand that situations improve if we work together towards a common goal. ‘It’s a jungle’ shows students that we all have strengths and areas for improvement and that our differences are a positive aspect when collaborating. Such activity also develops a better understanding of why people may have different perspectives. During Physical Education lessons, students enjoyed an activity called ‘Juggle the ball’. Through the physical challenge, this activity helps students improve communication and cooperation through a sharper understanding of what active listening, clear speaking and distraction tackling look like. It shows students the importance of following routines.
After the activities, our students reflect on their performance and the process:
“We found the challenge interesting and different. We didn’t think about how both people could win, which was a good idea. I kept trying to encourage my partner to cross but she wouldn’t!” Sarah Mendoza, 8A
“Cross the ribbon activity taught us to work together, cooperate and collaborate for the benefit of everyone, where everyone is a winner.” Dana Moalem, Dexter Pagulayan, Evelyne Naibaho, 9A
“We had already played the game before, so we got to help others understand the game, and try new forms of how to convince each other.” Abhishek Selvakumar, 11N
“You learn that communicating is difficult and important. The other person kept ignoring me until we lost the game.” Manav Santhoshkumar, 11N
“I am a turtle because I take my time to do my work and love to be safe like a turtle, hide into the shell and not get into trouble.” Maymona Mustafa, 9N
“I chose to be an eagle because they are intelligent creatures and never give up on their prey. I love to complete my work and am focused.” Shonchari Subha, 9N
“I am a lion because the lion is the king of the jungle.” Ahmad Abdulla AlMohannadi, 9N
The ultimate objective is to work all of us together towards creating a school community where we learn through cooperation and trust.
Lydie Gonzales
Head of Secondary School