Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 March, 2023

NAISAK Students joins MOEHE 'Zero Waste' Competition

NAISAK Students joins MOEHE 'Zero Waste' Competition

In light of Qatar Vision 2030, which aims to transform Qatar into an advanced state capable of achieving sustainable development and ensuring the continuation of a decent life for its people across generations, a competition was organized to encourage students to recycle and dispose of waste. A ‘Zero Waste' campaign was launched by the Ministry of Municipality with the objective of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Students from all stages were invited to compete by showcasing their drawings, photography, handicraft, or digital arts based on the theme ‘Zero waste’. Read more about it here.

NAISAK Secondary school students participated in this Art competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and produced creative artwork. Well done to all the students that took part, and we look forward to the announcement of the winners.


Students who took part:

Suryanathen G.

Hardik L.

Evelin H.

Nurul Adni Binti A.W.

Neo H.

Iman D.

Ayesha S.

Khadija W.

Hafidza A.

Hanisah A.

Chyavan Karthikeya B.

Mehron T.

Harley M.

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