Compass International School, Doha recently invited members of the University College of London (UCL) Qatar archaeology team to hold workshops with Year 4 students across its three campus sites.
Compass International School, Doha recently invited members of the University College of London (UCL) Qatar archaeology team to hold workshops with Year 4 students across its three campus sites.
Compass International School, Doha recently invited members of the University College of London (UCL) Qatar archaeology team to hold workshops with Year 4 students across its three campus sites.
Year 4 students are currently studying the IPC unit ’Treasure’ and have been learning about the importance of archaeologists. The UCL archaeology team delivered an excellent presentation about what archaeologists really do and the kind of treasure they discover. In groups, students were then tasked with piecing together some ‘old’ clay pots which had been smashed, before drawing the completed pots and answering questions about them.
The students were also given the opportunity to ask the team questions, and the excitement of receiving an archaeologist’s goodie bag ended the session on a high note.
The students thoroughly enjoyed the activities and used many of the IPC Personal Goals that day, including enquiry, communication, resilience and cooperation. They also discovered that it was very important to work as a team!
The school prides itself on building positive links with the local and wider community and this was the first time that the UCL team had visited a school in Qatar.
Margaret Pilkington, Deputy Head of Compass International School, Doha’s Gharaffa Campus, said, “The visit was an excellent
example of how learning can be fun. It was a great partnership between the school and an external group. We look forward to continuing to build on links like this over the coming months.”
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