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News image Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet - Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet Blog | Secondary | Insight and Advice
Grade 12 Northbridge students prepare for their most difficult academic challenge yet
The Northbridge International School Cambodia Class of 2022 are embarking on the final stretch of their academic journey here at NISC with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) World Exams.
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News image How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge - How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Insight and Advice
How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge
A question that always stands out when we start any educational process at Northbridge International School Cambodia; is how we can determine if we are advancing positively about the objectives we have set for ourselves as educators.
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News image How languages integrate into the PYP curriculum at Northbridge - How languages integrate into the PYP curriculum at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Insight and Advice
How languages integrate into the PYP curriculum at Northbridge
One of the most significant features of the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) is transdisciplinary learning. Transdisciplinary learning allows students to create connections between various school subjects. It also enables students to gain essential skills that transcend the disciplines. At NISC,  Languages are also integrated through transdisciplinary, and here is an overview of what Languages class looks like at NISC.
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News image Meet the new Northbridge Head of Inclusion - Meet the new Northbridge Head of Inclusion News | Insight and Advice | Teacher Stories
Meet the new Northbridge Head of Inclusion
Ms Annalise Stephens is the new Head of Inclusion at Northbridge International School Cambodia. To celebrate her appointment, we asked Ms Annalise about her background, what led her to work in education and later counseling, and why inclusion is such an important part of life at Northbridge.
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News image Fostering independence in our Primary-school students - Fostering independence in our Primary-school students Blog | Primary | Parent Advice | School News | Insight and Advice
Fostering independence in our Primary-school students
As children grow, we help them to develop greater age-appropriate independence; they gradually learn important life skills such as decision-making, time-management and social skills. They learn how to live and work with others, and they learn how to make safe choices that help them to live happier and more successful lives.
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News image Why your mental health matters when learning ? - Why your mental health matters when learning Blog | Insight and Advice | Parent Advice | Secondary
Why your mental health matters when learning ?

Just over two years ago, Cambodia had its first Covid-19 case, and since that time, our students at Northbridge have being demonstrating their resilience, adjusting to new ways of learning, and continuing to strive to achieve their best. They should be commended for their adaptability and the overall positivity they have maintained. 

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News image Managing student stress and workload at Northbridge - Managing student stress and workload Blog | Insight and Advice | Parent Advice | Secondary
Managing student stress and workload at Northbridge
Students at Northbridge International School Cambodia are encouraged to be ambitious. Through excellent and innovative teaching and learning experiences, we provide the right conditions for everyone to achieve their very best academically.
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News image Northbridge students flock to STEAM and creative online activities, Nord Anglia data shows - northbridge-students-flock-to-steam-and-creative-online-activities-nord-anglia-data-shows News | Insight and Advice
Northbridge students flock to STEAM and creative online activities, Nord Anglia data shows
Northbridge International School Cambodia parent organization Nord Anglia Education has released global figures showing how its 67,000 students are using online learning to further develop critical skills centred on problem-solving, creativity, well-being and global citizenship.
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News image What does ‘personalised learning’ mean for your child at Northbridge? - what-does-personalised-learning-mean-for-your-child-at-northbridge News | Insight and Advice
What does ‘personalised learning’ mean for your child at Northbridge?
‘Personalised learning’ is a term often referred to in the world of education. Typically, schools use it to explain how teachers adapt their lessons or approach with students to help them reach their potential. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we think about personalisation from a more holistic perspective. For us, supporting students academically is crucial, but we achieve that through personalising their entire learning experience, not just their classroom teaching.
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News image Why is IB Diploma at Northbridge the right pathway before university? - why-is-ib-diploma-at-northbridge-the-right-pathway-before-university News | Insight and Advice
Why is IB Diploma at Northbridge the right pathway before university?
Most of our students at Northbridge International School Cambodia have ambitions for moving abroad following IB Diploma to study at university. Every year these graduates follow in the footsteps of our alumni who have attended some of the world’s best universities and whose success stories are inspiring proof of the exciting pathways which await them. We have prepared hundreds of past students for the transition from school to university, and have long perfected the recipe for ensuring them the best future international pathway. So, what’s key to setting them up for success?
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News image Four ways our Northbridge teachers help your child to meet their university expectations - four-ways-our-northbridge-teachers-help-your-child-to-meet-their-university-expectations News | Insight and Advice
Four ways our Northbridge teachers help your child to meet their university expectations
Making the grades, creating the best university application possible, and deciding what the future looks like. Students encounter some of their biggest academic decisions and experiences in their final years of school - but they aren’t expected to do this alone. At Northbridge International School Cambodia your child has a community of experienced staff who work with them to navigate the journey and our teachers are a pivotal piece in that puzzle. Here are a few of the ways they offer their support and guidance.
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News image Making decisions about university and future careers: when is the right time at Northbridge? - making-decisions-about-university-and-future-careers-when-is-the-right-time-at-northbridge News | Insight and Advice
Making decisions about university and future careers: when is the right time at Northbridge?
Every step on your child’s learning journey at Northbridge International School Cambodia helps to shape their aspirations for what they might do in future. Each subject they explore, MIT professor they meet through Global Campus, expedition they go on to visit new cultures and communities - it all feeds into their ever expanding view of the world and their place in it.
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News image How does our Northbridge university counsellor help your child to secure a place at university? - how-does-our-northbridge-university-counsellor-help-your-child-to-secure-a-place-at-university News | Insight and Advice
How does our Northbridge university counsellor help your child to secure a place at university?
For all of our students at Northbridge International School Cambodia our university counsellor plays a key part in helping them to understand and successfully navigate the pathway to their university of choice. Taking the step from IB Diploma to university is an exciting challenge for students, but there are many big decisions which sit between these two milestones. It is the role of the university counsellor to provide support and guidance to students so that these decisions are informed, manageable, and ultimately lead our students to securing a place at a university which suits their ambitions for the future.
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News image How empathy and creativity are vital to equipping Northbridge students for a bright future - how-empathy-and-creativity-are-vital-to-equipping-northbridge-students-for-a-bright-future News | Insight and Advice
How empathy and creativity are vital to equipping Northbridge students for a bright future
In the age of automation, developing strong values, a sense of purpose and well-being will enable students at Northbridge International School Cambodia to succeed in the future, Dubai education expert says.
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News image Why we're making education personal at Northbridge - why-were-making-education-personal-at-northbridge News | Insight and Advice
Why we're making education personal at Northbridge
Educators at Northbridge International School Cambodia are leaving traditional practices behind in favour of a tailored, more personalised approach for each student that gives them greater control over their own learning.
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