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News image Exploring Innovation Through STEAM - A Multidisciplinary Approach - Exploring Innovation Through STEAM - A Multidisciplinary Approach Blog | Secondary | steam
Exploring Innovation Through STEAM - A Multidisciplinary Approach

In a rapidly evolving world, where artificial intelligence, automation, and environmental challenges reshape our societies, the value of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education has never been greater. At Northbridge International School Cambodia (NISC), we believe that fostering creativity and innovation is at the heart of preparing students for the future. 

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News image Using digital math platforms in the PYP at Northbridge - Using digital math platforms in the PYP at Northbridge Blog | Primary | steam
Using digital math platforms in the PYP at Northbridge

Digital math platforms, sometimes known as math apps, have become increasingly common in recent years, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia. These platforms, which offer an online space for children to learn and practice mathematical concepts and skills, became ubiquitous in education due to the period of global school closures brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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News image How STEAM education at Northbridge develops technically literate young men and women - How STEAM education at Northbridge develops technically literate young men and women Blog | steam | Primary
How STEAM education at Northbridge develops technically literate young men and women

There is an increasing focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) education in school curriculums all over the world, and NISC is no exception.

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News image Why are real-world events so important to STEAM education at Northbridge? - why-are-real-world-events-so-important-to-steam-education-at-northbridge News | steam
Why are real-world events so important to STEAM education at Northbridge?
Your child’s natural desire to learn, experiment and question is fundamentally important to their education and development, so at Northbridge International School Cambodia we don’t give our students all of the answers. Instead, we give them some of life’s most interesting questions and challenges, and the tools to tackle them.
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News image How STEAM at Northbridge helps students learn skills they can use for the rest of their lives - how-steam-at-northbridge-helps-students-learn-skills-they-can-use-for-the-rest-of-their-lives Blog | steam
How STEAM at Northbridge helps students learn skills they can use for the rest of their lives
Making has become an important part of school culture at Northbridge International School Cambodia over the past few years. Not only is making an incredibly fun and satisfying activity that children love, but it promotes a myriad of meaningful skills that we believe will serve them well in life beyond school.
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News image Northbridge STEAM students star at Junior F1 Grand Prix held at BIS Ho Chi Minh City - northbridge-steam-students-star-at-junior-f1-grand-prix-held-at-bis-ho-chi-minh-city Blog | steam
Northbridge STEAM students star at Junior F1 Grand Prix held at BIS Ho Chi Minh City
On Friday 7 June, four Northbridge International School Cambodia students participated in the Jr F1 Grand Prix at BIS Ho Chi Minh City. The event saw student teams designing and racing their own model F1 racing cars.
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News image Battlebots take to the arena at the first ever Northbridge Robotics League tournament - battlebots-take-to-the-arena-at-the-first-ever-northbridge-robotics-league-tournament News | steam
Battlebots take to the arena at the first ever Northbridge Robotics League tournament
The first Battlebots tournament of the Northbridge International School Cambodia Robotics League took place during recess on Wednesday 27 March.
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News image How your child benefits from STEAM education at Northbridge - how-your-child-benefits-from-steam-education-at-northbridge News | steam
How your child benefits from STEAM education at Northbridge
STEAM learning at Northbridge International School Cambodia empowers students to become creative by exposing them to situations without parameters, challenging them to both identify problems and invent solutions.
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News image Astro boots inventor Professor Leia Stirling challenges students to create their own wearable technologies - astrobootsinventorprofessorleiastirlingchallengesstudentstocreatetheirownwearabletechnologies News | steam
Astro boots inventor Professor Leia Stirling challenges students to create their own wearable technologies
Known for inventing boots for astronauts to walk on Mars, Professor Leia Stirling at MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics wants students to explore the world of wearable technology in the Epic Identity challenge and discover how gadgets are used to measure and enhance or help human performance.
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