Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 June, 2022

Message from the Vice Principal

Message from the Vice Principal - message-from-the-vice-principal
Message from the Vice Principal
Message from the Vice Principal, Mike Wolfe.
Message from the Vice Principal Message from the Vice Principal, Mike Wolfe. Message from the Vice Principal, Mike Wolfe.


A wise person was once asked what their biggest mistake was. They considered the question carefully and replied “You always think you have time. Time is free but its priceless. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.  Once its lost, you can never get it back.”

 Many people will interpret that in different ways, but it may cause some to reflect on their own lives and consider how they spend their time. What percentage of time is spent with people, at work, eating, sleeping, being productive, doing things we enjoy, sharing quality time with loved ones? That may lead to the realisation that the balance in some areas may need to shift and the challenge in how to make that shift through re allocating time. It may lead to a mindset shift in terms of what’s actually important in life and taking more control of one’s time rather than external factors determining how you spend it. 

How many of us put off doing things we would like to do because we say we don’t have enough time rather than doing them now?

As we approach the Summer vacation, many of us will have the opportunity to do many of the things we enjoy and use our time in the way we would wish. Have we saved up all the nice things because we now have time or should we re allocate our time moving forward to make sure we make the most of our time every day? The Latin term Carpe Diem (roughly translated as seize the day) seems to be appropriate in this context.  Wherever you may decide to travel and whatever you decide to do, I hope that you have a lovely holiday, stay healthy and enjoy your time doing things that make you happy not just during the holiday period, but also for the future.  


With my very best wishes,

Mike Wolfe

Vice Principal