CISA Slam Poetry-cisa-slam-poetry-Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 April, 2018

CISA Slam Poetry

CISA Slam Poetry-cisa-slam-poetry-CISA poetry slam_cover
CISA Slam Poetry
CISA Slam Poetry

Congratulations to our 18 Slam Poets who took the stage on Friday 13th April at the Image X Café in the 3rd Tianfu district. For many of the elementary students this was the first time that they had spoken with a microphone in front of a large audience, but they all carried out their performance admirably. Their poems, which had been written by themselves, followed the prompt of ‘It’s Ok, I’m sorry’. The student’s interpretation of the theme was varied and interesting containing some wonderful ideas, metaphors and imagery. Their expressive deliveries added meaning. Many Léman teachers and parents were in attendance to support our brave poets and they were all very proud of their performances.

A special congratulation to Tiffany Vo who was 2nd in the grade 4 & 5 category; Johnny Mindorff who was 3rd in the grade 6 & 7 category; and Jasmine Penstone-Miller who was 3rd in the grade 9 to 12 category, plus a special recommendation to Abdullah Mohammad who was a very close 4th. Other poets who attended were Charlotte Bliss, Alexandra Gensberg, Octave Bruchou, Saadulla Mohammad, Emma Schneider, TaeYeon Lee, (Sheryl) Rou Yi Zha, Megan Ma, AnnaGale, Adia Heyres, Eileen Zeng, Zion Wilkinson, Hayeon Song and Marlo Tadros.