Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
23 April, 2018

High School House Leader Board

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High School House Leader Board Find out which tutor group earned the most house points last month and also which teacher handed out the most house points.

Find out which tutor group earned the most house points last month and also which teacher handed out the most house points.

High School House

Monthly House Leader Board

A couple of months ago our new monthly ‘House Leader Board’ was launched. The leaderboard highlights the different tutor groups, year groups, individuals and teachers who have received or given the most House points over the previous four weeks. The winners for last month are below...

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The House who achieved the most amount of points over the last 4 weeks - Yao

Year group who achieved the most amount of points over the last 4 weeks - Year 7 (although Year 8 were only a few points behind)

Tutor group in Year 7 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 7B

Tutor group in Year 8 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 8F

Tutor group in Year 9 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 9C

Tutor group in Year 10 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 10A

Tutor group in Year 11 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 11S

Tutor group in Year 12 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 12D

Tutor group in Year 13 who achieved the most amount of points in the last 4 weeks - 13R

The students who achieved the most House points over the last 4 weeks -
Matthew (7E) and Simon (9E)

The teacher who has given the most House points over the last 4 weeks -
Ms. Simone (1st place), Ms. Laura (2nd place), Mr. Andy (3rd place)