Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
10 September, 2018

Primary School Library: Making good use of the Library

Primary School Library: Making good use of the Library Parents and children alike are making good use of the Primary School Library and getting used to the new systems. Library staff are always on hand to help with your choices.

Parents and children alike are making good use of the Primary School Library and getting used to the new systems. Library staff are always on hand to help with your choices.

Everything is now settling into a routine and students are making good use of the library space during their class sessions and especially at lunchtimes and after school. It has been great to see lots of parents choosing books with their children and we will continue to encourage and support you all as you become more familiar with our systems.

Library Monitors

We had a great take up for our Library Monitor roles with each break and lunchtime session being covered by boys and girls throughout Years 4 to 6! Our new assistants will take up their roles officially from Monday 17th after a short training. We are very excited to have them on board and will bring you news of how they are enjoying their experience as well as photos of them in action over the coming weeks.


We are pleased to re-commence our Makerspace activities in the Library Resource Room on a Wednesday lunchtime for KS2 students. The activities on offer are an extension of our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) curriculum and include K’nex, Lego, Keva, Dash n Dots, Makey Makey and Little Bits.


These ‘making’ activities enable the children to work independently or in pairs/ small groups to practice and develop ‘hands-on’ and innovator skills and it is already proving very popular as you can see from these photos:

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Books of the Week

The books we have chosen this week all have great illustrations providing lots of visual interest for the children:

Books of Week  Week 4