Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
21 January, 2019

Primary School Library: Welcome term 2 monitors

Primary School Library: Welcome term 2 monitors We are delighted to welcome our new Library Monitors to the team this term … Remember to encourage your children to “Read 6 books and get a certificate” - a competition the Primary School Library is running to celebrate the Bangkok Book Awards 2019.

We are delighted to welcome our new Library Monitors to the team this term … Remember to encourage your children to “Read 6 books and get a certificate” - a competition the Primary School Library is running to celebrate the Bangkok Book Awards 2019.

Library Monitors Term 2

We are delighted to welcome our new Library Monitors to the team this term. Jessica, Ing, Emilia, Iris and Ellen are looking forward to helping everyone enjoy their Library time during break and lunchtimes.

Bangkok Book Awards 2019 Update

Children at St Andrews International School Bangkok are loving our colourful selection of the shortlisted books in each category - Picture Books, Younger Reader Books and Junior Books - which are now on display in the Library with a detailed description of each story. We have handed out our first Certificate to Sam Long (5M) for very speedily completing the challenge of reading 6 books. No clear idea of potential winners yet as it’s still early days but the books with the most checkouts in each category so far are ‘Do You Speak Chocolate?’, ‘The Bad Guys’ and ‘The Thing’.

Please do come and have a look at this interesting and varied selection and encourage your children to start reading them. Our special Reading Challenge to ‘Read 6 books and get a Certificate’ is open to everyone to take part. At least two books will need to be read in order to vote. Voting closes on 22 March 2019.

Go to the website for more information and to use this link when you are ready to help your child place their vote.

A Polite Reminder of our Library Rules

It seems that everyone is SO excited to be back at school that they have completely forgotten all the rules! These are the key areas where we are having a few problems so your support in helping us to uphold these basic requirements will be much appreciated.

We love that you all love our Library SO much that you want to spend time in here but please do be mindful that the Library is timetabled every day as a teaching space between 8.00 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. when it is used for whole class and small group/individual teaching. Teachers and children need to be able to access all of the facilities and resources as they need them and to read/work in a calm and quiet environment.

We thank you very much for your kind understanding and support in helping us to provide the best possible learning experience for your children.

Books of the Week

This week’s books are, once again, taken from the Bangkok Book Awards 2019 shortlist and cover a range of themes whilst also introducing the children to new authors and genres. Please encourage your children to read as many of the books as they can and take part in our special Reading Challenge to ‘Read 6 books and get a Certificate’


We are getting lots more views and likes on Facebook so please do follow us to see our Library updates and keep in touch with important news and messages. Here is the link again.