Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
December 08, 2015

Lego Club Wins Judges’ Award and Qualifying Spot at Lego League Challenge

Lego Club Wins Judges’ Award and Qualifying Spot at Lego League Challenge - lego-club-wins-judges-award-and-qualifying-spot-at-lego-league-challenge
Lego Club Wins Judges’ Award and Qualifying Spot at Lego League Challenge
Lego Club Wins Judges’ Award and Qualifying Spot at Lego League Challenge Way to go, Lego Club! They're headed to a FIRST® LEGO® League Championship Tournament after earning the Judges’ Award at the regional competition.

Way to go, Lego Club! Our students are headed to a FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) Championship Tournament in January after earning the Judges’ Award at the regional competition.

FLL introduces young people to the fun and excitement of science and technology through an annual challenge. This year, the challenge explores the fascinating world of trash. Each team first identified a problem with the current handling of trash and then designed a solution. This is called the Project component of the challenge. Teams also tapped into their problem-solving skills to program an autonomous robot that completes various tasks (the Robot Game component). At competitions, each team presents their Project as well as technical elements of their robot’s programming, and participates in a teamwork challenge and Robot Game.

For its project, BISC Lego Club focused on reducing trash on the beach and in the water of Lake Michigan. The team discovered through research that tourists are responsible for most of the littering. So, we decided to target tourists with “advertrashments”, a series of posters and a model made predominantly from trash that highlight the dangers of littering. Included on the advertrashments is a QR code that links directly to a website that features information about the BISC Project and ways the public can help. The goal is to display the advertrashments in museums and hotels around Chicago, and already the Shedd Aquarium has supported the project by inviting the Bulldogs to attend a beach clean-up day.

BISC Lego Club’s presentations and robot impressed the judges, who awarded the team with the Judges’ Award for strong results in every aspect of the competition. The team presented themselves excellently throughout the day, maintaining high standards of respect and upholding FLL’s core values.

With more than 25,000 teams participating in FLL in 80 countries, our achievement was no small feat. In just two years of competing in FLL, we’ve earned the Rookie Prize and Judges’ Award, which demonstrates our ability to Be Ambitious! Way to work hard, Lego Club, and congratulations on your fantastic results.

P.S. “Don’t litter. If you don’t litter in the first place, we won’t have to clean it!” – Lego Club