Admissions are now open for 2025/2026
There has been so much to be happy about: achievements in sport, the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, the swimming galas, the triathlon, students attending MIT in America, overseas trips to New York, Germany, and elsewhere, key visitors and speakers, and so much more. However, the real joy lies in seeing the students thrive.
Today, I watched the FS2 Winter Production. Seeing four-year-old students stand on stage, hold the attention of an audience of hundreds, and act and sing with such confidence was truly awe-inspiring. It also reminded me, as a father, how quickly time flies. It feels like only yesterday that I was watching my two girls in a similar situation. Now, I am discussing GCSE options with one and exploring university possibilities with the other.
Time is precious, and it is important to take a moment to be present—to stop and smell the roses. When I pause to observe all that is happening, the honourable intent of everyone involved, and the positive impact it's having, I feel heartened and motivated to continue giving my best to our school.
The students are excelling. They are responding well to the changes we have made, revelling in the voice we have given them, and engaging with the opportunities being opened to them. Both the secondary and primary teams have been taking the time to stop, notice, and celebrate. When I see what the students are achieving, I am consistently impressed.
I encourage you to take time to reflect with your children over the winter break. Pause, be present, and cement these moments as memories for the future. Time is precious, and it is all too easy to focus on the next thing without stopping to enjoy the moments and successes we have now.
May I wish you all a happy and healthy winter break and a prosperous year ahead. Thank you, as always, for your kind wishes and support for all our team and students at BIS Abu Dhabi.
Alan Cocker
Admissions: +971 2 510 0176
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