Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
June 16, 2016

Students Collaborate with TMCx

Students Collaborate with TMCx

Year 3 students presented eight weeks worth of work creating inventions in health care to the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMCx) panel of judges on 15th June. 

Students Collaborate with TMCx Year 3 students and teachers spent eight weeks working with the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMCx) on inventions to cure or manage healthcare issues that need addressing to present to a panel of judges at TMCx on 15th June.

Year 3 students presented eight weeks worth of work creating inventions in health care to the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMCx) panel of judges on 15th June. 

Students in Year 3 (grade 2) from the British International School of Houston presented eight weeks worth of intensive work creating health care innovations to a panel of judges at the Texas Medical Center Accelerator (TMCx) for the second-annual Young Inventors Forum. Students collaborated with TMCx to create inventions to address and improve a multitude of health care challenges. They were judged in five categories: greatest impact, most innovative, quickest to market, best pitch and best prototype.

"Anyone can invent things, it doesn't matter what your age is, and some of the best ideas come from young minds,” Bill McKeon, TMC executive vice president and chief strategy and operating officer said.

The curriculum encourages students to try, fail and learn from the failures to create better inventions. TMCx hopes to make this curriculum available to other schools throughout Houston in years to come.

“This is an amazing learning journey that our students have been on and the creativity, resilience and persistence that they have shown to create their innovations and prepare their pitches, are an absolute credit to the school, their teacher and themselves,” Mark Wilson, Vice Principal of the British International School, said.

“Authentic learning in Action! It was wonderful to see our students collaborating, creating, communicating, demonstrating genuine entrepreneurial skills and showing great resilience,” said Andrew Derry, Principal of the British International School. “The best inventions come after many failures, it’s all about what you learn from the failures.”

To read more, see the story published in TMC News. Visit our Facebook photo album to see more photos from the event.