Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
November 30, 2022

Staying Connect-ed with Reward and Recognition

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Staying Connect-ed with Reward and Recognition

Early Years teacher Emma Lawrence editorial published in Connect-ed Nord Anglia Education publication - a place to learn, grow and inspire for our Nord Anglia Education family!

Staying Connect-ed with Reward and Recognition Early Years teacher Emma Lawrence details the reward and recognition felt by staff and students involved with their EcoSchools Award.

Early Years teacher Emma Lawrence editorial published in Connect-ed Nord Anglia Education publication - a place to learn, grow and inspire for our Nord Anglia Education family!

Staying Connect-ed with Reward and Recognition and BIS Houston Emma Lawrence.

There have been a lot of amazing grass roots movements happening throughout Nord Anglia Schools. From gardening groups to ECO-lunch time clubs, community litter picking to plastic-free campaigns and the incredible work our UNICEF clubs put in to make a positive impact towards The UN’s Global Goals. Nord Anglia students are showing their passion for a more sustainable future.


Recently, we were presented with the opportunity to recognise this hard work by creating an ECO-board of committed teachers from across the globe, to create content for a new Environmental Education section of Global Campus. Having previously created a Story Sack for the platform, I was excited to explore a new topic close to my heart. Last year I moved from our school in Bangkok, who are well developed in their sustainability endeavours, to BIS Houston. Arriving in Houston I found a new city and a new school, but the same desire from students to be more sustainable. I recognised their concerns and was happy to help facilitate the launch of an ECO Club for students across primary. Through their hard work the school began recycling paper and plastics. They launched design competitions for sustainable coffee mugs and campaigned for plastic free lunches. Their work was supported by the help of our High School UNICEF Club, who were rewarded this year with a visit from the CEO of UNICEF USA, who celebrated the students work towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The more our students achieve, the higher they set their own goal posts. 


On a personal level, I have found reward in amplifying our students’ voices. Through setting up the club I got to collaborate with new colleagues in every department and position of the school. As an Early Years teacher, I am rewarded with an opportunity to work with students across our Primary school, getting to know the larger student body and, for the first-time, working with secondary students through supporting the UNICEF club. I am inspired to see these young adults impassioned to create a better, more sustainable future, and their young counterparts eagerly following in their footsteps.


With the launch of our ECO Hub on Global Campus, it is exciting to see our Nord Anglia community come together to recognise and reward our students’ hard work. Together, we can create the future they deserve.


Article written by Emma Lawrence and published in Connect-ed Magazine.