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News image year4bmakeymakey 4 News | wholeschool | Whole School | Искусствоведение
Year 4B experimenting with Makey Makey
Year 4B worked with Scratch software along with a Makey Makey control to create sound using a banana. The students enjoyed the process and were amazed at the result!
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News image eyfszoovisit 3 News | wholeschool | Whole School | Искусствоведение
EYFS children visits zoo
EYFS had an amazing time at zoo today. The children have all been learning about animals this term so it was a wonderful way to finish this half term. They really enjoyed seeing all the different animals and learning lots of interesting animal facts.
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News image year3apots 5 News | wholeschool | Whole School | Искусствоведение
Year 3B Stone Age Pots
Year 3B finally painted their Stone Age pots - we are very pleased with the way they look!
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News image pegymsayram 18 News | wholeschool | Whole School | Искусствоведение
PE Lessons at Sayram Campus
As the cold weather approaches children on Sayram campus have started their Gymnastics module. This has started by exploring different balances and trying to put together their first sequences. A productive start to the topic!
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News image year6wwII 2 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 6: Reading Uzbek and Russian Poetry
As part of a two week unit about War poetry, Year 6A read Uzbek and Russian poetry to help them to plan their own poetry inspired by World War 2.
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News image arts 1 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 11 GCSE Art Project
Year 11 students have been working hard on their "Fragments" GCSE project and are getting very close to their final outcome presentation.
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News image SH_0291 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 9: Laws of Reflection
Year 9 students were using ray boxes and mirrors to investigate the Law of Reflection.
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