Jack Cooper
Jack Cooper
19 April, 2021

Northbridge Grade 10 students embrace the challenge of this year's virtual Personal Project

Northbridge Grade 10 students embrace the challenge of this year's virtual Personal Project - northbridge-grade-10-students-embrace-the-challenge-of-this-years-virtual-personal-project
Northbridge Grade 10 students embrace the challenge of this year's virtual Personal Project Since the beginning of this academic year, our Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 10 students have been working tirelessly on the MYP Personal Project.

Since the beginning of this academic year, our Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 10 students have been working tirelessly on the MYP Personal Project.

The Personal Project represents the culmination of all of the skills the students have learned throughout the MYP. It requires them to draw on skills such as:

  • Research skills

  • Planning and Time Management

  • Product development

  • Reflection

  • Presentation & Communication

  • Independence

  • Responsibility


By successfully completing the Personal Project and demonstrating their mastery of these skills, our Grade 10 students prove they are ready for the DP and beyond.

The Personal Project not only represents a significant and satisfying milestone for students, but it is also greatly anticipated by the entire school community. We have an annual Personal Project Showcase where students and families are invited to learn about the projects and appreciate the work of the students.

This year due to restrictions, we had to have our showcase virtually. This year’s grade 10 students showed even greater responsibility and perseverance than usual, by creating an extensive showcase website covering all of the projects in detail: 


my precious logo

In this year’s cohort we saw an incredible range of exciting and ambitious projects.

Sereyvattanak directed his own short film with a jaw-dropping twist ending. Jacqueline created an online site of recipes inspired by fictional foods from anime and video games. Suni created an illustrated children's storybook of traditional Mapuche folk tales

We are incredibly proud of the great work produced by all of the Grade 10 students and the results prove how dynamic and creative our students are, especially when afforded the freedom to explore their own passions and interests. The results indicate that through the MYP at NISC, we are developing students into independent and lifelong learners who are capable of achieving impressive outcomes on their own accord.