Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 March, 2019

Primary School - Global Campus Visual Arts Competition

Primary School - Global Campus Visual Arts Competition
Primary School - Global Campus Visual Arts Competition

Global Campus is part of Nord Anglia Education’s (NAE) online platform which gives all our schools and students the opportunity to develop an international perspective through online, in school and worldwide experiences. One of these experiences is the Visual Arts Competition.

This year’s competition is focusing on the UN’s Global Goal 4: Quality Education and Global Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. To learn more about the Global Goals, click here. In Primary, we have focused on Goal 4: Quality Education. Primary students have been invited to create artwork based on the idea of Quality Education and submit their finished pieces to Mr Nigel. Students can use any media (painting, drawing, graphic design, collage etc.) to represent their ideas, and they should also write a description of their piece in no more than 50 words.

There has also been an ECA group this term which has given students a chance to come together and work on their entries for the competition. This group spent a lot of time discussing what Quality Education means, what it looks like and how important it is to the world. Following these discussions, they brainstormed ideas for artwork based on this goal and set about creating their pieces for the competition.

Primary School - Global Campus Visual Arts Competition - primary-school--global-campus-visual-arts-competition

Primary students can submit their finished pieces to Mr Nigel on or before Tuesday 19th March. We will then have an in-school selection process to choose our final entries for the competition. This year's winners, to be chosen by the Nord Anglia Global Campus team, will be showcased in New York during the United Nation's High Level Political Forum - a huge honour!

Nigel Lane
Year 3 Teacher & Leader of Educational Technology