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News image 2018 Parent Survey shows strengths across the board - 2018 Parent Survey shows strengths across the board Blog | parentadvice | Parent Advice
2018 Parent Survey shows strengths across the board
Each year, Nord Anglia Education conducts a Parent Satisfaction Survey to help us improve our understanding of how we are performing. By benchmarking key areas, our survey tells us what our schools are doing well and where we can improve in the future. This helps Nord Anglia Education schools continue to provide the best possible educational experience for our 50,000 plus students. This year’s survey included responses and comments from almost 14,000 parents in 22 different languages. We are proud of these results, as they represent the collective hard work and dedication of everyone at our schools. To give you a sense of how we’re performing, read on for a few key highlights.
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News image Top tips on how your children can sleep better - Top tips on how your children can sleep better Blog | parentadvice | Featured | News From Our Schools | Parent Advice | School Advice | Southeast Asia
Top tips on how your children can sleep better
The Student Wellbeing Committee at the British International School in Ho Chi Minh City chose to focus on establishing good sleep habits as part of an ongoing #WeeklyWellbeing campaign. During a week in October last year, thoughts and lessons were shared with students on the importance of establishing a sleep routine and tips on how parents can encourage their children to invest in rest.
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News image Guide to helping parents with picky eaters | Nord Anglia Education - Guide to helping parents with picky eaters Blog | parentadvice | Featured | Parent Advice
Guide to helping parents with picky eaters
Is your child a picky eater? This is not uncommon especially for younger children. Melanie Yates gives parents some advice on how you can change your child's anxiety and frustrations towards food into a positive eating experience.
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News image Third Culture Kids | Nord Anglia Education - Third Culture Kids A difficult journey but a great destination Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Parent Advice | School Advice | Teacher Stories
Third Culture Kids: A difficult journey but a great destination
For children, moving abroad can be a challenging, but rewarding experience. Simon Porter shares his wisdom and research on children changing schools and countries. Learn how frequent changes of school can impact your child's development and self-esteem, as well as their global outlook.
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News image Curriculum Series: What you need to know about the English National Curriculum - Curriculum Series What you need to know about the English National Curriculum Blog | Educational Insights | Parent Advice
Curriculum Series: What you need to know about the English National Curriculum
The first part of our Curriculum Series answers the most commonly asked questions about the English National Curriculum. As a widely recognised curricula offered in international schools worldwide, find out whether or not the English National Curriculum is right for your child.
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News image Starting school in a new city | Nord Anglia Education - Starting school in a new city Blog | Educational Insights | Parent Advice
Starting school in a new city
You and your family have made the move. After settling in to your home, your child will soon start school in a new city with unfamiliar faces. In the final part of our Moving Abroad Series, we offer some tips on how you can help your child ease in to their new school community.
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News image 5 key questions when choosing an international school | Nord Anglia Education - 5 key questions to ask when choosing an international school Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Parent Advice
5 key questions to ask when choosing an international school
With an array of schooling options available in any given city, parents may feel confused with which school to choose for their child. As an experienced school leader and parent, Ethan Hildreth tells us what every parent should ask themselves when choosing an international school for their child.
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News image Tips to get your child settled in after moving abroad | Nord Anglia Education - Tips to get your child settled in after moving abroad Blog | parentadvice | Parent Advice
Tips to get your child settled in after moving abroad
The excitement of embarking on a new adventure, and the anxiety of not knowing what to expect after moving abroad can cause a mix of emotions for you and your children. In the second part of our Moving Abroad Series, we offer some tips on how you can help your children settle in after relocating to a new country.
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News image Top 7 tips to prepare your child for the move abroad | Nord Anglia Education - Top 7 tips to prepare your child for the move abroad Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Parent Advice
Top 7 tips to prepare your child for the move abroad
Moving abroad can often be a very challenging time for parents and their children. In the first part of our Moving Abroad Series, we offer parents some advice on what to prepare for when embarking on a new chapter of life in an unfamiliar city.
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News image Signs that your child may be too stressed | Nord Anglia Education - Signs that your child may be too stressed Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | In the Media | Parent Advice
Signs that your child may be too stressed
Stress is part of everyday life, but how do you know if your child is overwhelmed? Here are some signs to consider if you think that your child might be stressed and what you can do as a parent to help them cope.
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News image Seven secrets to success | Nord Anglia Education - Seven secrets to success helping your child excel in school Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Parent Advice
Seven secrets to success: helping your child excel in school
One of the most common questions that our teachers and principals receive is how parents can best support their child’s learning. As a school leader, parent of five children, and Nord Anglia’s latest addition in Abu Dhabi, Ethan shares his advice on how parents can make the most of their child’s experience in school.
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News image Living books, lifelong learning | Nord Anglia Education - Living books lifelong learning Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Global Campus | Parent Advice
Living books, lifelong learning
For most of us, treasured stories enrich memories and shape our understanding of life. Reading powerful literature can change the way we understand history, ourselves, and the world. However, the habit of reading great literature has begun to falter. Ethan Hildreth tells us the importance of encouraging students to read quality books.
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News image Whats the right age to get my child a tablet? - Whats the right age to get my child a tablet Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Parent Advice
What's the right age to get my child a tablet?
Deciding what is the right age for your child to begin using technology can vary for every child and family. Craig Brown, Head of Learning Technologies at the British International School, Budapest, gives some advice on what parents should consider before giving their child a tablet.
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News image Getting your child into a top US university | Nord Anglia Education - How to help your child get into a top US university Blog | Educational Insights | Featured | Group News | Parent Advice
How to help your child get into a top US university
Applying to universities in the US has changed over the years. What used to be a competition of measurable grades and test scores is now an evaluation of transferable skills. Find out what American universities are seeking and what your child can do to stand out.
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News image How does yoga benefit your child’s learning? | Nord Anglia Education - How does yoga benefit your childs learning Blog | Educational Insights | Parent Advice
How does yoga benefit your child's learning?
Yoga has many mental and physical benefits, but did you know it can actually help your child’s learning? Here are some interesting facts on how yoga can benefit your child’s development—mentally, physically and intellectually.
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News image 4 steps to help keep your child safe online - 4 steps to help keep your child safe online Blog | Educational Insights | Global Campus | Parent Advice | School Activities
4 steps to help keep your child safe online
Children love using technology and are accessing the internet at an increasingly younger age. Here are four steps to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
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News image Revising for exams | Nord Anglia Education - Top tips to help your child revise for examinations Blog | Educational Insights | Parent Advice
Top tips to help your child revise for examinations
Revising for examinations should not be a miserable experience for your child. Here are some quick tips on what you can do as a parent to help your child prepare for their examinations.
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