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News image Inclusive education means all Northbridge students are included in every way, not just in theory - inclusive-education-means-all-northbridge-students-are-included-in-every-way-not-just-in-theory Blog | Secondary
Inclusive education means all Northbridge students are included in every way, not just in theory
In taking a human rights approach or human justice perspective, it is critical to foster equity for diverse learners at Northbridge International School Cambodia. The United Nations created a universal framework to assist schools and educators to develop best practice for all learners, including all students with barriers to learning.
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News image Culture, gender roles and identity – insights from language learning at Northbridge - culture-gender-roles-and-identity-insights-from-language-learning-at-northbridge Blog | Secondary
Culture, gender roles and identity – insights from language learning at Northbridge
Learning a language in the IB involves much more than mastering vocabulary and grammar. In MYP at Northbridge International School Cambodia, students learn through the lens of four key concepts: communication, connections, creativity and culture. They learn how to communicate in a variety of contexts and have the opportunity to explore the role of language in ‘Identity and relationships’. The aim is that they develop sociocultural competences and can interact with sensitivity.
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News image The Exciting World of Work: Survey to identify opportunities within the Northbridge community - the-exciting-world-of-work-survey-to-identify-opportunities-within-the-northbridge-community Blog | Secondary
The Exciting World of Work: Survey to identify opportunities within the Northbridge community
Here at Northbridge International School Cambodia we would like to identify from within our school community those parents who could offer our secondary school students future encounters with the world of work. This could include work placements or internships, work experience or other employer-based activities such as talks or visits.
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News image How the CAS programme provides Northbridge students with the opportunity to give something back - how-the-cas-programme-provides-northbridge-students-with-the-opportunity-to-give-something-back Blog | Secondary
How the CAS programme provides Northbridge students with the opportunity to give something back
My name is Matthew Coles and I am the new CAS Coordinator at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I have worked in a variety of charitable roles both in and and out of schools. I am very excited to be taking over this role.
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News image How DP Induction Day prepares Northbridge students for the final part of their IB academic journey - how-dp-induction-day-prepares-northbridge-students-for-the-final-part-of-their-ib-academic-journey Blog | Secondary
How DP Induction Day prepares Northbridge students for the final part of their IB academic journey
Transitions happen all throughout a students' academic journey here at Northbridge International School Cambodia. As an IB continuum school, Northbridge students go through important stages of development as they transition from the Primary Years Programme (PYP), to Middle Years Programme (MYP) and then from the MYP to the Diploma Programme (DP).
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News image Why the house system at Northbridge is much more than a tribute to Harry Potter - why-the-house-system-at-northbridge-is-much-more-than-a-tribute-to-harry-potter Blog | Secondary
Why the house system at Northbridge is much more than a tribute to Harry Potter
Is Ibis just an example of Ravenclaw? Is the Elephant house based on Hufflepuff? Is Cobra but a copy of Salazar Slytherin? Does Stingray line up alongside Gryffindor? For some of you, the House system at Northbridge International School Cambodia may be a completely new concept, or at least just a copy of the fictional world of Harry Potter.
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News image How the Global Campus program at Northbridge offers something for every single student - how-the-global-campus-program-at-northbridge-offers-something-for-every-single-student Blog | Secondary
How the Global Campus program at Northbridge offers something for every single student
The Global Campus program, unique to Nord Anglia schools like Northbridge International School Cambodia, really does have something for everyone, from our partnerships with MIT, Juilliard and UNICEF, to the Writers Corner where any budding wordsmiths can explore the Global Campus library and perhaps try their hand at some journalism.
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News image What stepping into the High School years means at Northbridge - what-stepping-into-the-high-school-years-means-at-northbridge Blog | Secondary
What stepping into the High School years means at Northbridge
Graduation Day is the pinnacle of students' time at Northbridge International School Cambodia. A single day of celebration represents the culmination of years of effort. Think of it like an iceberg - you see the very tip, but there’s a whole mass of support hidden under the water.
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News image Top tips for online learning from the Northbridge Head of Secondary - top-tips-for-online-learning-from-the-northbridge-head-of-secondary Blog | Secondary
Top tips for online learning from the Northbridge Head of Secondary
As we are starting the new year online at Northbridge International School Cambodia I thought it might be useful to share some tips for making online learning successful. Students should use this time as on opportunity to become more independent and disciplined — traits that will be invaluable for a lifetime.
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News image Welcome to the new Secondary school year at Northbridge - welcome-to-the-new-secondary-school-year-at-northbridge Blog | Secondary
Welcome to the new Secondary school year at Northbridge
Welcome everyone to a new academic year at Northbridge International School Cambodia. As this is my first post I thought it might be good to tell you something about me as the new Head of Secondary.
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News image Well done Northbridge secondary school - it's been a challenging year but we made it! - well-done-northbridge-secondary-school--its-been-a-challenging-year-but-we-made-it Blog | Secondary
Well done Northbridge secondary school - it's been a challenging year but we made it!
We made it! What another incredible year for us at Northbridge International School Cambodia. This is the time of year for us as educators to reflect on goals met, goals still in motion and what we need to push to the top of our lists next year. It is also a time for us to celebrate our wins and achievements with our students through awards and presentations.
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News image Transition through the grades at Northbridge International School is all about 'Easing the Shift' - transition-through-the-grades-at-northbridge-international-school-is-all-about-easing-the-shift Blog | Secondary
Transition through the grades at Northbridge International School is all about 'Easing the Shift'
The biggest shift in any school education program is the transition from primary school to middle school. Everything is different, from the size of the school, to more students in each class, different teachers, accessibility of teachers, implementation of lessons and communication with families. Northbridge International School Cambodia is no different.
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News image Why experiential learning is so important to the teaching philosophy of an IB school like Northbridge - whyexperientiallearningissoimportanttotheteachingphilosophyofanibschoollikenorthbridge News | Secondary
Why experiential learning is so important to the teaching philosophy of an IB school like Northbridge
At the heart of any science class at Northbridge International School Cambodia is experiential learning. As Albert Einstein once stated, “I never teach my pupils, I only provide conditions in which they can learn”.
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News image Student voice at Northbridge - helping us to stay organised and aware! - student-voice-at-northbridge--helping-us-to-stay-organised-and-aware Blog | Secondary
Student voice at Northbridge - helping us to stay organised and aware!
As members of the Northbridge International School Cambodia community, it is important that when we ask our students or teenage children for their opinion, and that we listen and act where appropriate.
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News image Despite challenges, the latest Northbridge Share a Dream report shows hugely promising results - despite-challenges-the-latest-northbridge-share-a-dream-report-shows-hugely-promising-results Blog | Secondary
Despite challenges, the latest Northbridge Share a Dream report shows hugely promising results
It’s been another turbulent semester at Northbridge International School Cambodia, in which engaging in service activities have been impacted by Covid. However, through the Nord Anglia Education Share a Dream program, there have been some amazing results.
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News image Northbridge: Why in an emergency situation, it's important to look after your mental health first - northbridge-why-in-an-emergency-situation-its-important-to-look-after-your-mental-health-first Blog | Secondary
Northbridge: Why in an emergency situation, it's important to look after your mental health first
When writing this first blog column for Northbridge International School Cambodia, I sat at my desk trying to come up with an appropriate example of what I wanted to communicate to you about mental health.
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News image Northbridge Grade 10 students embrace the challenge of this year's virtual Personal Project - northbridge-grade-10-students-embrace-the-challenge-of-this-years-virtual-personal-project Blog | Secondary
Northbridge Grade 10 students embrace the challenge of this year's virtual Personal Project
Since the beginning of this academic year, our Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 10 students have been working tirelessly on the MYP Personal Project.
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News image Exciting new changes in the Theory of Knowledge course help challenge young Northbridge minds - exciting-new-changes-in-the-theory-of-knowledge-course-help-challenge-young-northbridge-minds Blog | Secondary
Exciting new changes in the Theory of Knowledge course help challenge young Northbridge minds
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a class at Northbridge International School Cambodia that challenges the students to explore the intellectual strength of the foundation underlying their own knowledge. For many this is a challenging task as their education up to this point has been based on receiving knowledge from their teachers in school, their family and through their own experiences outside of school.
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News image Why Northbridge embraces an inclusive approach when it comes to diversity among staff and students - why-northbridge-embraces-an-inclusive-approach-when-it-comes-to-diversity-among-staff-and-students Blog | Secondary
Why Northbridge embraces an inclusive approach when it comes to diversity among staff and students
Diversity is an asset in any organization, while inclusion is ensuring that all differences count. Northbridge International School Cambodia strives to make sure all staff and students alike are valued, welcomed and included.
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News image Northbridge leads the way with the NISC Model United Nations 2021 - northbridge-leads-the-way-with-the-nisc-model-united-nations-2021 Blog | Secondary
Northbridge leads the way with the NISC Model United Nations 2021
Due to the current pandemic, almost every conference platform has been transformed into a virtual format. Northbridge International School Cambodia has taken an important decision in organizing an online NISC MUN 2021. Proudly speaking, we were the first and only school in Cambodia conducting the conference virtually and internationally.
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