Our Learning Support Programme helps children in the classroom, creating tailored opportunities that ensure each learner fulfils their potential.

Education support at St Andrews

We have an inclusive education policy at St Andrews. This is reflected in our non-selective admissions policy and the integration of children with special educational needs (SEN) into the mainstream classroom. We recognise that many factors may influence the rate at which a child develops academically and socially, therefore we strive to have an extensive support network in place to nurture all students’ development.

What is Learning Support?

In addition to our admissions assessments, we have thorough referral, assessment, provision and monitoring processes in place for students with special educational needs. Students are entered onto the school’s Learning Support register. We then formulate Individual Education Plans (IEP), if necessary. These give teachers detailed information about each student's needs, the level of support they require, and strategies to use in the classroom. This allows teachers to differentiate the curriculum and optimise learning opportunities.

IEPs and targets are reviewed regularly by Learning Support staff in collaboration with classroom teachers, assistants, and parents. We place great importance on the relationship between teachers, parents and students, and there is a very active and supportive SEN parent support group (STAR).

Our Learning Support Programme

Learning support is delivered in-class, in small groups or one-to-one, depending on the nature of the activity and the specific needs of the student. Our focus is not wholly academic as we also build students’ social skills and self-esteem. This support is extended by the Learning Support Assistant professional development programme.

Learning Support Assistant programme

Some children have additional needs, which mean they find it difficult to work on their own in a classroom. We've developed a programme where a child receives individual support from a Learning Support Assistant so that they remain in a mainstream class environment with their peers. Our Learning Support Assistants have been trained by our specialist Learning Support team, so that they can plan and deliver individual support programmes. This support could be full-time or a percentage of the mainstream teaching time.

Outside agencies

There are times when a child may need additional help. Our school has strong links with support agencies in Bangkok, including educational psychologists, speech and occupational therapists. These professionals come to our school when necessary and also have their own facilities where our students may receive additional help.

Homework club

Our homework club is for students who have been invited by their teacher, tutor, support staff or parents, as well as students on the High School Learning Support Register. It runs Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 2:45-3:45 pm. Students can get help with their homework and go over lessons they may have found difficult to understand. Homework club is staffed by members of the High School Learning Support team.