Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
05 November, 2018

Primary School Music: Year 6 banding together

Primary School Music: Year 6 banding together Year 6 prepare their Christmas music and work on their pop music.

Year 6 prepare their Christmas music and work on their pop music.

This term Year 6 have been getting to know their new instrument teachers and have begun to practice their music ready for Christmas. In their class music lessons with Mrs  Alice, Mrs Marie or Mr Nick, the children have explored pop music.

They have learnt to play chords on ukulele and keyboard and have learnt about the different parts of a drum kit and learnt some pop rhythm patterns. Each class voted to choose a class performance song and decided on where their strengths lay as part of the class pop band.  They chose which instrument role would suit them best. They are now at the stage of putting all the different parts together and working on making their performance sound really polished.

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