Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
21 January, 2019

Art: IB Visual Arts Mock Exhibition

Art: IB Visual Arts Mock Exhibition This week Year 13 Visual Arts students curated an exhibition of their work so far.

This week Year 13 Visual Arts students curated an exhibition of their work so far.

On Thursday 17 January Year 13 IB Visual Arts students at St Andrews International School Bangkok curated a wonderful exhibition of their studio work so far. The purpose of the exhibition is to help plan for their final exhibition on March 21 2019. This ‘mock’ show was still bursting with creativity and showcased some real talent. Each higher level student curated 5 works of art from their current portfolio, aiming to demonstrate technical skills, conceptual qualities and a cohesive body of work. Our young artists displayed a great range of media, from fashion garments to video, and from painting to installation. This brilliant collection of work served as an exciting taster for their final show. Here is a small selection of work. (Artwork by Pat, Gung Ging, China, Yana, Nabil, Nan, Arnav)

Artist of the Week

This week the artist of the week award goes to Emma Gille in Year 13. Emma’s latest studio piece depicts the back of a male torso, wrapped in a sheet. The exquisite detail of the fold in the material contrast with the tension of the muscles in the back to create a great sense of power.