08 September, 2023

PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

We hope you have had a lovely first two weeks of School.

Our PTA EVENTS CALENDAR is available under THIS LINK


It was really wonderful to see so many of you this week attending our PTA Coffee Mornings on both Campuses! It is a great opportunity to get to know Members of our Community better.

As many of you will know, TBSW celebrates International Week every year in October. During the week, the PTA traditionally organises an International Fair for our students with a focus on culture and food, where country tables are run by teams of parent volunteers. This is a student-only event and only parents who are participating in the food fair are in attendance. The dates of this year’s fairs are as follows:


  • LIM campus - Wednesday 11th October from 8:00am – 2:00pm; and
  • DAB campus - Friday 13th October from 10:00am – 12:00pm.


If you would like to participate in the biggest PTA event of the year, please let us know by completing this International Fair sign-up form by Thursday 14th September.


Have a lovely and sunny weekend,


Karina Kalinowska





TBS EYFS/Primary FB Group

TBS Secondary FB Group

TBS PTA Buy & Sell FB Group