Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 October, 2017

Juilliard Dance Specialist Visit: Ms. Salla Saarikangas

Juilliard Dance Specialist Visit: Ms. Salla Saarikangas - juilliard-dance-specialist-visit-ms-salla-saarikangas
Juilliard Dance Specialist Visit: Ms. Salla Saarikangas
Juilliard Dance Specialist Visit: Ms. Salla Saarikangas As part of The Juilliard Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Program, BIS Abu Dhabi are thrilled to be welcoming Ms. Salla Saarikangas, Juilliard Dance Specialist, to the school on 17th and 18th October.

As part of The Juilliard Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Program, BIS Abu Dhabi are thrilled to be welcoming Ms. Salla Saarikangas, Juilliard Dance Specialist, to the school on 17th and 18th October. 

Choreographer, restager and dance educator, Salla hails from Helsinki, Finland. She was trained at Balettakademien, Stockholm, received her BA from SUNY Empire State College, and her MA in Dance Research and Reconstruction from the City College of the City University of New York.

She is also a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) and certified to teach Labanotation. Her reconstructions include works by Doris Humphrey, Helen Tamiris, Ruth St. Denis and Maggie Gripenberg.

Salla will spend the two days working with our Dance teachers, engaging with students, observing and leading lessons, and meeting with key members of staff to share expertise and provide feedback.