Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 July, 2019

Record-breaking IB Diploma results!

Record-breaking IB Diploma results! - record-breaking-ib-diploma-results
Record-breaking IB Diploma results!
Congratulations to BIS Abu Dhabi 2018/19 graduates for their record-breaking IB Diploma results!
Record-breaking IB Diploma results! Congratulations to BIS Abu Dhabi 2018/19 graduates for their record-breaking IB Diploma results! Congratulations to BIS Abu Dhabi 2018/19 graduates for their record-breaking IB Diploma results!

We are delighted to announce that BIS Abu Dhabi students have once again achieved record results in the IB Diploma examinations. The average point score of 33 is significantly ahead of worldwide expectations and has enabled these students to obtain places on highly prestigious University courses.

The school Principal, Patrick Horne, commented, “We are extremely proud of our graduates this year, not just for their exam results, but for what they achieved throughout their time here at BIS Abu Dhabi. Whilst completing the challenging IB Diploma Programme, our students contributed to school life in so many ways and have grown into amazing young adults as a result. These students are now heading off to some of the top universities around the world and towards future careers as doctors, chemical engineers, biochemists and lawyers to name but a few.

These results also showcase the difference that being part of a Nord Anglia Education school can bring to students’ academic results. The opportunities and support provided means that one in three of our students achieve places at the top 100 universities around the world.

It is a testament to our wonderful students, their supportive families and our fantastic team of teachers that results such as these can be achieved. My commendations to everyone involved for providing these students with a truly outstanding education. During the next academic year, we will be marking our 10-year anniversary and this year’s results have certainly given us even more reason to celebrate.”

“Year after year, I am so proud of our Nord Anglia students who, through their dedication, achieve results that exceed global averages for the IB Diploma,” said Andy Puttock, Group Education Director, Nord Anglia Education."

“This year’s results show how our students benefit from world-leading teachers who go beyond traditional education to inspire them toward success,” he said.