Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 January, 2020

How can your child get into a top Korean University?

How can your child get into a top Korean University? - how-can-your-child-get-into-a-top-korean-university
How can your child get into a top Korean University?
Parents are invited to a talk around the topic of how your child can get into a top Korean University.
How can your child get into a top Korean University? BIS Abu Dhabi is holding a talk around the topic of how your child can get into a top Korean University. Parents are invited to a talk around the topic of how your child can get into a top Korean University.

Mr. Euihyeon Kweon, Director Manager & Educator of Samsung Global Education will explain how you can ensure your child gets into a top Korean University.

Date: Wednesday, 26 February,2020 

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: The British International School, Abu Dhabi

Please note that the session is going to be held in Korean only.

학부모 초청 입시 설명회
일 시 : 2020년 2월 26일 오전 10시
장 소 : The British International School Abu Dhabi
강연자 : 강남 삼성학원 권의현 원장
강연내용 : 국내 입시 환경 변화와 특례입시 준비
급변하는대한민국 특례입시에 대한 분석과 입시 준비를 위한 정확한 방향을 제시하는 입시설명회에 학부모님을 초대합니다.
참여 방법 : 온라인 선착순 접수
Hyeyoung. Lee@bisad.ae로 이메일 접수
신청 시 기재사항 : 자녀의 재학 학교명, 학년,
참석하실 부모님의 연락처 (행사 관련 안내 공지 예정)