The road this year was one of change and allowed us to go along undiscovered pathways. The road closure that we had all been met with during COVID-19 was reopened and this allowed for our world to flourish. The community group events were one of my highlights of the year, the new family BBQ that supports the duathlon, the coffee mornings, the 'Out & About' visits, the uniform sales and so much more. The DNA of BIS Abu Dhabi is based on community and I am proud to be part of a school where everyone feels valued.
For youth to feel valued, we must empower them and this year we have focused a lot on leadership. This will continue to be an area of focus next year with the student council, further student led events and guest speakers coming in to advise, guide and encourage the voice of the young. The One People One Planet event that we held in March was the start of our students encouraging us to reflect on the changes that the world needs to make it a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.
Enabling the voice of youth also requires academic success, and our IB Diploma cohort of 2023 once again beat the IB World Average, repeating the 33-point score of last year. Their new journey is one of independence and growth. We wish them well as they travel along the complexity of further study, employment and managing their own finances. I am confident that a graduate of BIS Abu Dhabi leaves with the knowledge and skills to adapt as required.
At the end of each year, we bid farewell to staff members who are moving on to new opportunities.We would like to extend our best wishes to our parting colleagues. We believe they have left an indelible mark on our school, and we are confident that they will continue to inspire others wherever they go.
As we say goodbye to some members of our community, we also look forward to welcoming many new faces to BIS Abu Dhabi in August. These individuals will play crucial roles in driving our future ambitions and ensuring a positive learning experience for our students, allowing them to flourish.
So, we now close the doors for the summer. The auditorium will go quiet, the sports pitches laid to rest and the classrooms will be empty. I am confident that when we return on our new roads, we will be met with new routes and challenges, but ones that all lead to personal success!
Liam Cullinan
Executive Principal
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