Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 July, 2023

Feature Our Teacher Rhi Leake

Feature Our Teacher Rhi Leake - Feature Our Teacher Rhi Leake
Feature Our Teacher Rhi Leake

Meet Rhi Leake, FS2 Year Lead and Teacher.

“It is in the Early Years that I have found my true calling. Over the past eleven years, I have dedicated myself to creating nurturing and engaging learning environments for young learners, instilling in them a love for learning that will resonate throughout their educational journey.”

Name and a little bit about you:

With a rich and rewarding teaching experience spanning 17 years, I have established myself as a dedicated educator committed to shaping young minds. I began my journey by attending St Martins College, where I pursued and completed my BA Hons degree in Education and History. Following my graduation, I took my teaching career in Manchester, where I spent four years honing my skills and nurturing a passion for educational excellence. In 2010, I embraced a new chapter in my professional life as I embarked on an overseas adventure, relocating to Abu Dhabi. Since then, I have had the privilege of teaching various year groups across the primary school. However, it is in the Early Years that I have found my true calling. Over the past eleven years, I have dedicated myself to creating nurturing and engaging learning environments for young learners, instilling in them a love for learning that will resonate throughout their educational journey.


What do you feel most passionately about, and why?


I am passionate about 'Early Childhood Education' because I recognise the crucial impact it has on a child's development. I understand that the early years of a child's life are formative and can greatly influence their future learning, behaviour, and overall well-being. Early childhood education provides an opportunity to lay a strong foundation for children's academic, social, and emotional development. I believe in the power of creating a nurturing and stimulating environment that promotes curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning. Working in early childhood education allows me to make a positive difference in the lives of young children and their families. I have the opportunity to shape young minds, instil essential skills and values and contribute to the overall development of future generations. I find immense joy in working with young children. Witnessing the growth and progress of children as they explore and discover the world is incredibly rewarding.


What do you love about Abu Dhabi?

I love living in Abu Dhabi because of its warm and sunny climate throughout the year. I enjoy the consistent sunshine which makes it possible to participate in outdoor activities and enjoy the beautiful beaches. Abu Dhabi is home to a diverse population of locals and expats from around the world. Living in Abu Dhabi provides me with opportunities to meet people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.


What excites you the most about working at BIS Abu Dhabi?


BIS Abu Dhabi is more than just a school; it is a family, where the children are the heart of everything we do. The remarkable children at our school are not only eager to learn but also display exceptional kindness and care towards one another. Complementing their enthusiasm, the teachers are a group of dedicated professionals who consistently deliver a high-quality education to every child in their care. Together, this vibrant community fosters an environment where learning and personal growth thrive.


What are you most looking forward to in the first week of the academic year?


As the first week of the new academic year approaches, I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet and extend a warm welcome to my new class and their families in Giraffe Class. It fills me with excitement to embark on a learning journey together, where I will have the chance to discover their unique interests and passions. Witnessing the growth of new friendships is something I greatly anticipate. Additionally, I am excited to spend time engaging in creative activities such as moulding play dough, exploring the vibrant world of paint and playing in the home corner.


What hobbies do you have? Why?


One of my favourite hobbies is reading. I find reading to be a great way to relax and unwind. It provides an escape from the daily pressures of life, allowing me to immerse myself in a different world or story.


When your mind wanders, where does it go?


When my mind wanders, it often curves towards a realisation I am beginning to embrace - that true happiness does not lie in grand, distant aspirations, but rather in the small, abundant blessings already present in our lives. It finds solace in the gentle curve of a smile from someone dear to me, the simple pleasure of a satisfying breakfast, or the comforting aroma of a well-brewed coffee. Sometimes, it drifts towards the enchantment of a warm sunset, its colours painting the sky with tranquillity. Ultimately, my mind gravitates towards those little everyday joys, neatly arranged in a row, reminding me that happiness resides in the beauty of the present moment.