Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
03 November, 2023

Message from the Head of Primary

Message from the Head of Primary - Message from the Head of Primary
Message from the Head of Primary

Dear Parents,

It's been an action-packed week at our school, and I'm excited to share with you the highlights of our recent events and learning opportunities. Throughout the school, we've been dedicated to finding innovative ways to enhance the learning experience and ensure that we remain future-focused and compassionate in supporting one another. In this newsletter, we will provide a brief overview of the various activities and achievements that have shaped our week.

Firstly, I want to highlight the success of our Senior School Options Evening, which gained a good turnout from parents and students despite the poor weather. This event was a valuable platform for parents and students to gain deeper insights into the IB Diploma Programme and BTEC Courses and their benefits. If you couldn't attend the evening, please look out for further details about a Webinar that will be held on Tuesday, 7th November, at 5.00pm, for any students and staff that couldn't make the in-person session.

Additionally, we have held a series of parent workshops for all our Primary School parents. These workshops gave parents a valuable opportunity to gain deeper insights into their children's daily classroom experiences, their curriculum and how they can actively contribute to their children's learning journey. Establishing a robust connection between home and school is crucial for the holistic growth and development of all our students. Our parent consultations have also played a pivotal role in ensuring our students receive the essential guidance and support they need.

Moreover, we organised an enriching Arabic workshop, and I want to thank the parents who joined us and engaged in the activities. I apologise that I wasn't any help to any of the groups. This is a testament to the strong partnership we share in the education of our students.

Our Year 6 students embarked on a fantastic trip to EXPO, providing them with valuable insights into sustainability and climate change. Similarly, our Year 3 students had the opportunity to step outside the confines of the classroom and visit the Art Studio at Manarat Al Saadiyat, broadening their educational horizons.

This week, we also had Pinktober Day for the Fight Against Cancer, organised by our Community Group, which was a heartwarming event that brought together our school community in a powerful display of support. The sight of pink throughout the school brought smiles to faces and the decorations in the hall were fantastic. It was a testament to the dedication and hard work put in by the community group to make this event a success.

Lastly, last week presented us with a unique challenge - a rare and, my first, rain day that disrupted our school day. I would like to thank the students, parents, and staff for their exceptional flexibility and engagement as we swiftly transitioned to remote learning with only a few hours’ notice.

Thank you for your continued support in making our school a thriving and dynamic learning environment for our students.

Matthew Harper

Head of Primary

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