With utter delight, pure innocence and genuine curiosity, one of my 5-year-old students once asked me if my skin was made of chocolate. My immediate thought was how awesome that would be, before I smiled and tried to explain to him, to the best of my ability, why I looked different from him. It dawned on me that this may have been a question on his mind from the day I first walked into his classroom months before, but I had never seen it impact how he treated me: with complete respect, love, and kindness.
We are privileged to host Steven C. Smith, NASA STEM EPDC Education Specialist, who will conduct a virtual presentation for our students on Thursday, June 11th at 2:35 pm about current and upcoming missions. He will also talk about their crew members and the many other career specialties it takes to make them successful.
These are challenging times! In the midst of adversity Year 12 student Idenya is taking action to make a big difference to Save One Life, one life at a time. Learn more about his journey and what makes Idenya an inspiring global citizen.
A Little Bit of Genius is Nord Anglia’s exciting new education podcast series. There are seven episodes in our first series, each with two students interviewing a special guest on the theme of creativity in learning, in the workplace and in life in general. Perfect podcast for teachers.
Band Together for a Change (BTC) is a charitable student-led band comprised of BIS Houston students, led by four Year 13 students: Eugenie, Freya, Rachel and Enen.
BIS Houston students have returned from The Nord Anglia Education Performing Arts Festival. An exciting 5-day program packed with dance, drama, and music rehearsals, workshops, activities, performances and the chance to make new friends from Nord Anglia’s schools across the region. The program is designed to enable our students to thrive in an immersive atmosphere of performing arts, creativity, and teamwork.
This year's #NAEMIT Hacking Challenge challenged our students to learn about sustainable living and using their ingenuity and creativity to hack an old household item into something new!
Learn more about #IBDiploma development. "The IB Diploma is valued for a number of reasons, one being its status as a passport to the world’s top universities. Our students also value its breadth and rigour, which prepares them extremely well for the future." Andy Puttock, Group Education Director at Nord Anglia Education.
"Tis the Season for IB Mocks" is written by our Year 13 student Eugenie for The Buzz Magazines. Find out how this time of testing is stressful, but creates true friends and caring school faculty to band together with students in hope of achieving the best possible results for all.
Helping to support and encourage the confidence that our future leaders will require is of vital importance. Meet our new Senior Student Leadership Team, their aim is to work hard to continue to nurture our strong school community.
We are delighted to announce two Year 12 students Daria & Idenya have been selected by UNICEF to represent BIS Houston as this year’s High-Level Political Forum panelists in New York.
A day for children, by children — is almost here, and our students are all taking part! World Children's Day 2019 marks 30 years since the establishment of children's rights. Donate $1+ to UNICEF and wear blue all day and follow our social media channels to find out how our students will raise awareness of children's rights #NAEKidsTakeOver!
BISH students are working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But what are they exactly? The SDGs are essentially a blueprint for a better future. There are a total of 17 individual challenges for us to overcome by 2030, including poverty, inequality, hunger, environmental degradation, and peace and justice.
We're inspired by Year 13 BISH student Alex, who joined a UNICEF event and spoke with Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer John Moore about using photography to capture and advance child rights issues.