Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
November 08, 2016

Oui! C'est La Semaine Francaise

French week 2016
Oui! C'est La Semaine Francaise
Oui! C'est La Semaine Francaise

Oui, c’est vrai!  It’s National French Week and BISC will be celebrating all things French from today, November 4th through Thursday, November 10th.  Celebrations are intended to promote French language and culture in the school and for our students.  Madame McNeal has been hard at work preparing for this week and has organized some fantastic activities for all of us to look forward to over the next few days.  Next week, you can expect to be greeted with a vibrant “Bonjour” every day at drop off.  Delicious crepes will be sold daily at recess - make sure to send along a little extra change so that your child can partake.  On Monday morning, Years 3-6 will perform French song and dance in the library at 9:10am – a show not to be missed!  And, the lucky students in Upper School get to participate in Les Jeux en Francais – an hour of Sodoku, quizzes and other puzzles entirely in French on Thursday.  We’re excited about La Semaine Française 2016 and celebrating the beauty of French culture, cuisine and language.