The BSN Christmas Fair has long been an eagerly anticipated event in the calendar and this year’s event, much like Santa himself, delivered the goods once again!
Karma, Year 11 student has been invited to attend the “Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards” Ceremony in Shanghai to receive her “Top in the World” award for her IGCSE Foreign Language Mandarin Chinese.
The first half of the summer term has been all about Plants in Year 3, with our main focus on transportation, parts and function of flowers and finally rounding up our study of plants by looking at artwork by Georgia O’keeffe.
Talking is the basis for all writing in the EYFS. Below are some of the talk for writing activities that the students in Reception have been taking part in over the month.
Talking is the basis for all writing in the EYFS. Below are some of the talk for writing activities that the students in Nursery have been taking part in over the month.
Some of the key values which bind our school community together are tolerance and respect for others, so we take a strong stance against all forms of bullying and stand in solidarity against those who try to bully others.
Talk for Writing is our new approach in Literacy. The Year 3s have really enjoyed learning in this way, and we’re sure they are going to write some wonderful stories.
They say talent is a rare commodity; but with a total of 51 students making it through to the final rounds of BSN Idol this year, it’s clear that talent at BSN runs in the veins of our students!