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Year 9 GCSE Options Evening
Wednesday 13th February was the Year 9 GCSE Options Evening when Year 9 students and their parents were welcomed into the theatre for a presentation about GCSEs. They then had the opportunity to find out about all the core and optional subjects that students are able to study throughout Year 10 & 11. The evening was a great success, helping students to make up their minds about what their future may hold.
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Pre-Nursery at their Russian lesson
At the Russian language lessons, we studied the topic “Doctor and nurse”. Children played the game “I am a doctor”. We worked on an interactive whiteboard, made crafts, sculpted from clay, played a game - how many doctors, how many nurses, the game "Assemble the puzzle." The children looked at the pictures and listened to the fairy tale “Aibolit”. At the end of the lesson, the children sang the song “About the Doctor”.
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First IGCSE Maths Results
We are delighted and proud to announce our first early entry Year 11 students achieved 100% A*/A their IGCSE Mathematics when results were published today. These 9 students were the first BST students to sit these external UK examinations and the school community should be very proud of their efforts. Many thanks to Mr Morris for his work with this group.
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A visit from Santa Claus
The children at BST had a wonderful surprise last week! A visit from Santa Claus. While his reindeer were eating carrots and having a rest in the playground Santa met with every boy and girl. The children sang Christmas songs and enjoyed listening to a Christmas story. As all the girls and boys had been good this year, they all received a present from him. Thank you Santa for making a stop at BST, please come back next year!
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Year 1 in Maths
This week Year 1 A Bears have been learning 3D shapes and their properties. This knowledge has helped them to construct different shapes using plasticine and match sticks. Bears have made a huge amount of cubes, pyramids, cuboids, prisms and paper cones and cylinders.We have been also excited to write our invitations for parents to our Christmas Show. Looking forward to starting rehearsals.
This week, in English, the children of Year 1A Bear have been learning to write an invitation. In Maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties, and in Integrated Curriculum, we have made some lucky fish, using our knowledge of shapes. Next week, we will start looking at instructions and will commence rehearsals for the Winter Show.
Unfortunately, we must say farewell to one of our Bears, Sophia, and wish her all the best for the future.
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