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COBIS Inspection – Every 5 Years
BST is a member of COBIS (Council of British International Schools) which ensures the highest quality standards for international schools. Schools are then checked for compliance every 5 years to ensure quality and excellence are maintained. Therefore, this week a COBIS Lead Improvement Partner, Mr Stephen Priest (Principal at the British International School at Tbilisi) visited BST and we would like to thank the students, staff and parents who showcased the best of BST.
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Unsung Hero – Karen Brickley
Ms Karen has been working in a voluntary capacity in the MAC team since August 2021. But who is Ms Karen and what does she do?
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FOBISIA e-JAWS Conference
On 28th March, Teaching Assistants (TAs) at BST undertook the FOBISIA (Federation of British International Schools in Asia) e-JAWS training, so that they may have a positive impact on student learning, wellbeing, support those who are new English Language Learners or have a Special Educational Need, so that every student achieves academic success. TAs found the training inspiring and can’t wait to implement their knowledge into classrooms.
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International Day and Festival
On Friday 25th March students at Sayram and Kalandar campus took part in activities that taught them about a number of countries from around the world. Many students dressed in their national costumes or from the country their class investigated.
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Navruz at BST
Primary school students celebrated the national holiday Nawruz, symbolizing the arrival of spring, with national dances, national games, poems and performances about the history of the holiday. Children have learned lots of new interesting facts about this holiday and enjoyed taking part in the assembly.
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News image 09mun 10 News | Highlights
In early March, BST hosted their first MUN, with over 100 students playing the role of delegates from different countries and attempting to solve real-world issues after an inspiring speech from Ms Ashita Mittal, from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
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What are the Options?
Making choices about our future studies is always a challenging and exciting time, and to support our BST students, our annual Options Evening was held earlier in the month. IGCSE's and A-Levels are internationally recognised and valued qualifications which will allow access to the best universities in the World, so it's very important that our students make the best decisions for them.
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News image VideoStill_BST_Social_Dono_01 News | Highlights
Bowstrings Videos...Finally
Last May, many BST students, parents and staff came together with Bowstrings (US production company) to produce videos that illustrate life at BST. We are proud that after 8 months of hard work the videos are now ready to be launched. View them here and share with your friends, family and colleagues!
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Unsung Hero – Gulnur Abdullayeva
Ms Gulnur was born in Tashkent and raised in Almaty, Kazakhstan where her family originate from. She spent her childhood with her maternal grandmother and uncles. As she has always been joyful and happy she was the youngest and favourite niece.
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Refer a Family
At BST our current families are our finest advocates and we want to reward you for your loyalty and kind words about us to your families and friends. Hence, we are relaunching our Refer a Family programme. It is a way for us to say thank you for your trust and confidence. For each new student you refer who enrolls at BST, we will discount your tuition fees by UZS 2.000.000. The tuition reductions are per student (not per family) and there is no limit to the number of students referred. You can get more information on this initiative by contacting us.
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News image wwry 12 News | Highlights
WWRY - Tickets Available
Students at BST are now perfecting their performances of Queen's We Will Rock You'. Great singing, outstanding dance sequences and moving acting blend beautifully into a mesmerising display of rock music and visionary rebellion in what will be the performance of the school year. Check out our rehearsal here.
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MUN – 5-6th March
On the 5th and 6th of March, BST will be hosting the inaugural BST MUN. Students from other international schools in Tashkent, as well as independent delegates from various local schools, will be coming to Kalandar campus to simulate the real United Nations and debate issues organised into four committees.
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Navruz at BST
BST staff and students will be celebrating, and learning about, Nowruz in the week beginning 14th March. Primary students will take part in daily craft and discovery activities. Secondary students will do this in Art, PE and Russian lessons. On Friday18th March all students and staff are encouraged to get into the spirit of Nowruz by wearing local dress. There will be special Nowruz themed assemblies on that day, and students will be able to sample the delicious Sumalak cooked on site.
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Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
On Friday 11th February 2022, primary pupils at BST learnt about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, which is being celebrated this year. The children learnt about the Queen’s role and what the Platinum Jubilee means. Many were surprised that she had been on the throne for 70 years!
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Table Tennis Wins
Last week the BST PE department hosted two days of Table Tennis tournaments for Key Stage 3-5 players. Table tennis has been a popular activity during breaks and lunch times and students were keen to test themselves in a more formal manner.
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News image steam 16 News | Highlights
On Friday 11th February we held our STEAM Day. The day inspired students to explore and pursue their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Students from Year 7-10 were challenged to build a model/prototype to demonstrate a concept in Science, Math or Engineering.
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Think Ambitious Magazine
Enjoy the latest edition of our Think Ambitious magazine packed full of interesting articles from our students, teachers and partners! If you want to pick up a physical copy then please request one from reception.
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News image wwry 4 News | Highlights
We Will Rock You Show
Students are rocking out in rehearsals putting together their performance of Ben Elton and Queen's We Will Rock You'. Great singing, outstanding dance sequences and moving acting blend beautifully into a mesmerising display of rock music and visionary rebellion in what will be the performance of the school year.
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News image intlday News | Highlights
International Day – Different But United
The BST community is made up of over 40 different nationalities with different experiences, and lifestyles. On International Day we come together to share the wonders of our cultural heritages and provide cosmopolitan experiences.
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News image aaa News | Highlights
BST Sixth Form - Going from Strength to Strength
Following a summer of fantastic examination results, we are proud to announce our first successful placement at the University of Cambridge.
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