On Saturday 24th October, the British Vietnamese International School, Hanoi took both boys’ and girls’ teams to the U16 Volleyball championship finals.
The purpose of the trip was primarily to give the children some bonding opportunities. We wanted some of our older students to form relationships and new friendships with the children that have started at BVIS this year.
We enjoyed watching students helping each other, trying out new skills, testing their fitness. They certainly all showed perseverance and care for each other!
What a creative week the children in the Primary section have had! Together we celebrated ‘Book Week’, and the children were engaged in a wide variety of activities planned to create a love for books and reading.
We would like to share with you a fascinating "Stories of the Feet" photography competition organized by ACDC and sponsored by the ICRC- Special Fund for the Disabled.
This week has seen the start of all our Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) with an amazing variety of 50 different clubs for the children to choose from.
We knew the game against UNIS was going to be our biggest test. They are the team that went a whole season without being beaten by anyone in the league or finals.
The extensive course TESMC is widely recognised and promoted in International schools where teachers educate students that have English as an additional language.
People who have a lot of papillae—the bumps on our tongue, most of which house our taste buds—often find flavors overwhelming. They're "supertasters," and as such they add cream to their coffee and order food mild instead of spicy.
On Tuesday, our children and teachers were very lucky indeed as we were treated to a visit from Dr Lee, a professional explorer who has travelled to the world’s coldest, hottest, highest, lowest, Northernmost and Southernmost destinations.