Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 September, 2019

Dealing With Changes Assembly with Miss Dunne

Dealing With Changes Assembly with Miss Dunne The Lower Primary assembly, led by Miss Dunne, was all about ‘dealing with changes’.

The Lower Primary assembly, led by Miss Dunne, was all about ‘dealing with changes’.

The children were reminded that sometimes things change in our lives that make us feel worried and that is okay. They learned about some of the things that might change in their lives, how these changes make us feel and most importantly what to do if they feel scared or worried about a change.

To get started the children played a fun game. They were shown photos of their teachers when they were little, who have changed a lot now, and they had to guess who they thought each photo was. The children were most excited when photo number four was revealed to be Mr Short, with longer hair!

As it is the beginning of term, the children thought about some of the changes that have happened in school; having a new teacher, new friends in their class or even being in a totally new school. The boys and girls learned that if they are feeling a bit worried about a change, that they can speak to an adult at home or an adult they trust in school.

Finally, we read a story by Lauren Child called ‘I am too absolutely small for school’ from the Charlie and Lola collection. The children listened to how Lola was very reluctant and nervous to go to school but once she got there and gave it a try she felt much better and even enjoyed herself!

Our assembly ended with one of our favourite songs to sing to remind us to ‘give things a go’ and not be scared, ‘Try Everything’. Here is the link if you want to sing it at home together: Try Everything