A Letter From Our Head Boy and Head Girl | BIS Hanoi-letter-from-head-boy-and-head-girl-1-1 copy
Nord Anglia
29 April, 2020

Letter from Head Boy and Head Girl

A Letter From Our Head Boy and Head Girl | BIS Hanoi-letter-from-head-boy-and-head-girl-page link HB HG
Letter from Head Boy and Head Girl We want to acknowledge the sacrifices made by the people in our society that have kept us safe during this quarantine period. It is with your help and guidance that we, as students, have managed to adapt to our virtual lessons and maintain some normalcy in our lives. A Letter From Our Head Boy and Head Girl | BIS Hanoi-letter-from-head-boy-and-head-girl-hero HB HG

We want to acknowledge the sacrifices made by the people in our society that have kept us safe during this quarantine period. It is with your help and guidance that we, as students, have managed to adapt to our virtual lessons and maintain some normalcy in our lives. 

We want to acknowledge the sacrifices made by the people in our society that have kept us safe during this quarantine period. To the healthcare workers, the public service workers, organisations and businesses that have contributed in any way or form to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we are grateful and indebted to what you have done. We would also like to thank our teachers for all their support within the past few months. It is with your help and guidance that we, as students, have managed to adapt to our virtual lessons and maintain some normalcy in our lives. 

As we slowly transition out of the quarantine period, it is crucial to reflect on what we did over the past few weeks and how people have taken advantage of this change in lifestyle. We’ve heard from our peers and mentors about how to maintain positivity during these strange and difficult times but it is also time to think about the things we’ve learnt and how we’ve changed for the better.

Before the quarantine period, when we were all caught up in our busy student lives with classwork, homework, and extracurriculars, we didn’t have time to spend on ourselves and our loved ones. This period when everyone fulfills their obligation by staying home is coincidently a period where we see activities bringing families closer together: cooking, playing board games or sharing stories that we didn’t have the chance to share in the busy year. It is also a period where we take advantage of the many video-calling platforms not only for distance learning but also to connect with our friends, our relatives, and our teachers. Coming out of quarantine, we have witnessed the birth of many great chefs, musicians, writers, and engineers who have managed to use their time to pursue a personal interest that they may not have had the chance to do so before. This quarantine period was a reset button for many people, a time for us to reflect on our past habits. By taking advantage of this disruption in our daily schedules, we have managed to adjust our sleeping patterns, maintain a healthier diet, or exercise more regularly. Amidst this time of uncertainty, we are glad to see our student body embracing this opportunity to continually learn and create positive changes.

We strongly believe in learning from both the positive and negative experiences that we go through. To be pessimistic and complain about the inconveniences that the quarantine has brought would be a shame - we should reflect upon the new things that we have learnt, the relationships that we have formed or strengthened and, how our own resilience and adaptability has benefited us. By acknowledging the places where we fell and standing back up again, we grow to be stronger and better people as we walk out of this quarantine period together. 

Your Head Girl and Head Boy,
Valerie and Tien