Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 February, 2019

Why we provide a play-based curriculum in Early Learning at Northbridge

Why we provide a play-based curriculum in Early Learning at Northbridge - why-we-provide-a-play-based-curriculum-in-early-learning-at-northbridge
Why we provide a play-based curriculum in Early Learning at Northbridge Play comes naturally to children. There is vast research that states it’s the most powerful way for children to learn. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we provide a ‘play-based’ curriculum in Early Learning, creating many opportunities for our children to explore, engage and be curious about the world around them and who they interact with.

Play comes naturally to children. There is vast research that states it’s the most powerful way for children to learn. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we provide a ‘play-based’ curriculum in Early Learning, creating many opportunities for our children to explore, engage and be curious about the world around them and who they interact with.

When children play they develop the skill of communicating through questioning, listening, talking and negotiating. Play allows children to take risks and problem solve by trying out new things which they need to repeat over and over again until they master new skills and knowledge.

Most importantly children will learn about themselves and others, make friends, develop relationships and trust the people around them. Play gives children opportunities to celebrate, succeed, make mistakes, and apply new information and ideas.



Here are ways you can play with your child at home.

  • Read a book together. Ask questions. Ask children to change the story or make up a new one (this can be done in your home language).

  • Make playdough and play with them.

  • Play outdoors. Throw balls. Go to children parks and play with them.

  • Play games – card games – board games – silly and wacky kids games. Help them learn to take turns, how to win and how to lose. Praise them. Encourage them. Laugh with them.

  • Get involved in a craft project together. Build a jigsaw puzzle as a family. Bake cookies.

  • Listen to music and dance together. Sing along. Play instruments along with music.

Most importantly have fun with your child and spend time with them as this makes them feel special and valued.


Here are some links about why play is important for your child and some different ideas for play at home: