Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 March, 2018

Be challenged and inspired today, challenge and inspire tomorrow

Be challenged and inspired today, challenge and inspire tomorrow
Be challenged and inspired today, challenge and inspire tomorrow Research has shown that we are only likely to remember 2 to 3% of something we are told 30 days after receiving that information. However, allowing students to enquire and build connections can allow a much deeper understanding of knowledge to be learned and concepts to be understood. 

Dear Parents and Students

Research has shown that we are only likely to remember 2 to 3% of something we are told 30 days after receiving that information. However, allowing students to enquire and build connections can allow a much deeper understanding of knowledge to be learned and concepts to be understood. 

Our new vision statement we launched at the start of this term states, “Be challenged and inspired today, challenge and inspire tomorrow.”  Providing experiential learning opportunities is central to realising our mission.  I am very pleased that we continue to provide more opportunities for our students to be inspired by their teachers and peers.  Some brilliant examples of this occurred last Wednesday when the Year 5 and 6 students ran a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Fair. This opportunity was a wonderful follow up to the discussions that have taken place in lessons about our NAISAK High Five values, which are, Show respect, work hard, aim high, be nice and accept responsibility.  It has been great to see a variety of students, including groups of Year 2 students with Mr Spencer outside my office, in the ‘Gardens of Dreams and Goals’ where they have reflected on what these values mean to them as individuals. 

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On the weekend, some of our Secondary School students had the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (IA) and our own NAISAK award.  Please read the articles below for more details on these very important initiatives, which help us challenge and inspire our students both in and out of the classroom.  I would like to offer my congratulations to all of the students involved in our inaugural adventurous journey and thank Ms Emma Harvey, Mr Stephen Newnham, Ms Lucy Diraviam, Ms Lina Omary and Ms Lia Karlina for making this new opportunity possible for our students. 

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Other fine examples of experiential learning take place on a daily basis in our Foundation Stream (FS).  Although, I am a secondary practitioner, I frequently learn about best practice by visiting our inspirational teachers and students in FS. 

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."